What cycle is this guy running

^^ damn I wish I had a myostatin deficiency disorder


I keep telling my wife I want to take inhibitors but she says no way because the stuff they have coming out now might permanently shut down myostatin. Not the shit you buy at GNC I mean the research peptide stuff.

I keep telling my wife I want to take inhibitors but she says no way because the stuff they have coming out now might permanently shut down myostatin. Not the shit you buy at GNC I mean the research peptide stuff.

Damn, maybe I don't..
I'd actually really miss going to the gym,, just sitting around and eating and growing muscles would get damn boring :)
Damn, maybe I don't..
I'd actually really miss going to the gym,, just sitting around and eating and growing muscles would get damn boring :)

Is that how that works?? It must because I have a 100 pound pit that keeps getting bigger and not fat either I mean he sleeps and eats all day and you can see feathers in his thighs, and he's got a chest and shoulder that put a lot of dudes to shame. You got o the gym just to carve that shit up. no need to bang big weights your shit would just grow.