What cycle is this guy running

You know that's a good point on the avi. How many posts do you need before it starts displaying it? I have a nice pic of my back but it does not show up when I post. Bodybuilding.com huh? Nope not on there but if you really want to know go over to ironmag forums same name over there with plenty of pics you can wack it to over there. Just joined here a few months ago because that place is turning into a ghost town.

Dude you have to admit that was a pretty dumb question. opening yourself up to a unending scenarios, and even more questions. Perhaps a better way to put it would be to ask what compounds will give me a leaner and more grainy look. But again that question raises the question what have you been doing the past 2 years on here? Because you still don't know the basics. I was a little harsh but Man I get pissed when people discredit the hard work involved and immediately credit what PED's a guy is running. Anyone who had made gains in this lifestyle and actually seen for themselves that AAS is not the magic wand everyone plays it out to be would be offended by these types of questions which again leads to the assumption that you are new to the game. I rest my case.

You must be seeing things cause nobody here said anything about disregarding diet/training. I think you thought I wrote, " hi everyone, I just started training a few months ago. I eat lots of food and protein shakes, so my diet is on point. What steroids will make me into him^?"

I was just fkin wondering what combinations this guy was using to give him that size, fullness, and conditioning.
You must be seeing things cause nobody here said anything about disregarding diet/training. I think you thought I wrote, " hi everyone, I just started training a few months ago. I eat lots of food and protein shakes, so my diet is on point. What steroids will make me into him^?"

I was just fkin wondering what combinations this guy was using to give him that size, fullness, and conditioning.

Again, You should already know the answer to that.

Agreed shut this dumb ass thread down.

You go to settings by your user name, scroll down and hit edit avatar and put up a pic.

U both need to chill out..this is for learning sharing etc. A lot of analogies were given but as indicated we do not know you from "Adam" so to speak and SoCal s rant was on point and not directed at you personally. U chose to make it personal by asking such a question with no real answer...till you found out yourself, right ?

Now as we are Ology " the study of" aas use why not turn the corner and share your finding s as I d like to know. No reason for anyone to get bent here...or I will shut this down. No need for name calling vet members or any tough talk here..it s silly and accomplishes nothing but the accumulation of red rep s..if you care.
Again, You should already know the answer to that.

Agreed shut this dumb ass thread down.

I don't see any reason we can't speculate what compounds he used. No ones gonna know for sure, obviously, but whats wrong with having a discussion about it?

My thoughts are along the same line as the others; tren, winny/mast and test.

You go to settings by your user name, scroll down and hit edit avatar and put up a pic.

U both need to chill out..this is for learning sharing etc. A lot of analogies were given but as indicated we do not know you from "Adam" so to speak and SoCal s rant was on point and not directed at you personally. U chose to make it personal by asking such a question with no real answer...till you found out yourself, right ?

Now as we are Ology " the study of" aas use why not turn the corner and share your finding s as I d like to know. No reason for anyone to get bent here...or I will shut this down. No need for name calling vet members or any tough talk here..it s silly and accomplishes nothing but the accumulation of red rep s..if you care.

Point taken. I'll take my lumps. In the future I will refrain from losing it. Consider me chilled out. Going right now to try to fix my Avi.
thank you man...

I TOOK UR POST as a sign of the times and right on..one reason peep s hate on us aas users is we work hard to look like we do or lift what we can and jealousy is a real motivator to start hating. Al we had, have no idea how u train, diet ....and ur right you asked a question...but in these part s where we get 2-20 people a day thinking they CAN look like that by taking drugs and only minimally training so often this is a repeat issue if you will.

I could not ever, nor will I ever be able to attain that look...no amount of gear would get me there as I personally lacked the discipline to be that hungry...literally. I like food to much...and shit food at that.

SOCal--I always s take someone more serious when they post a pic...but that s me. Thank s for being the mature one.
If you want you can close this thread, it did get pretty stupid and tons of useless info. I got what wanted to know out of it

Test, tren, winny, mast

Yeah, but how many guys have trenbolone flowing through that vein?! Blood's for sissies, real men have bovine juice flowing. ;)

I dont know what's bovine but i do like the tren part lol too be fair my veins only pop when im lifting im just wating for them to stay haha
Says the paranoid bipolar guy you know how i feel about unimportant people but your a exeption i will play along with you since you seeked my attention :)
Paranoid bipolar? Kind of a bold internet diagnosis... important guy.