What do you bench?


New member
Hello ladies, I was wondering what you guys bench/what is average for someone who is not on any kind of gear. I am setting new goals and would like to know so that I don't set unrealistic goals for myself. This is one of my most discourageing areas to work out as it seems to take so long to make any gains. I am afraid if i set them too high it will be an unreachable goal.
Thank you in advance
depends on your personal goals and strength levels- i haven't taken anything in nearly 7 months... i've just hit 155 for 8 and i've been benching heavy for almost 4 months. before i always did dumbbells, so i'm still tryin to get used to the bar. just a tip: set goals for YOU, don't base them on what other people can or can't do. my training partner is a powerlifter and can bench 225 with no problem; if i went on what she can do i would never have had the courage to try lol. push yourself as hard as you can, take enough rest and alternate between dumbbells and bar. you'll see results, just give it time!
strngthmnx said:
depends on your personal goals and strength levels- i haven't taken anything in nearly 7 months... i've just hit 155 for 8 and i've been benching heavy for almost 4 months. before i always did dumbbells, so i'm still tryin to get used to the bar. just a tip: set goals for YOU, don't base them on what other people can or can't do. my training partner is a powerlifter and can bench 225 with no problem; if i went on what she can do i would never have had the courage to try lol. push yourself as hard as you can, take enough rest and alternate between dumbbells and bar. you'll see results, just give it time!

hey is that your picture? that body is so perfectly sculpted and tanned.
i'm not a bodybuilder so my bodyfat is higher than some of yours, i'm sure, but i have benched 220 but stick to reps with anywhere between 135-155
135 for 3 is my PR haven't benched any serious weight in a long time. I hurt my shoulder doing dips. In the fall when my diet is less restrictive I hope to start hitting some serious numbers again.
Why do you have to set a goal anyway, just take the gear and hope for the best, you never know how your going to react to it so its pretty much impossible to give you a specific answer.
I don't bench with a bar because my wrists are beyond weak, but with dumbbells I got up to using 50's, but not having a training partner held me back because I was too scared to move up from there. I've never used any AAS.
Whats wrong with your wrists? Are they just weak or have you got some sort of problem, just asking because I'm a big believer in hand grip and wrist strenght exercises I want another convertee :D
Since your wrists are pretty weak introducing weighted exercises might be abit hazardous so here are some exercises us boxers use to strengthen our wrists so we can punch harder without hurting ourselves, if your not clear about anything let me know I probably won't be able to explain too well what I want to say:

Take one hand facing palm down and grab it with the other hand from the palm and fast but gently bend your wrist downards, try it out for a bit at slow speed and get used to it, make sure ONLY your wrist moves, nothing else must be at motion, you can do this as many times as you want but if you shoot for higher reps try not being so fast when doing it, pick a light weight up after you've done about 30 you should feel a small difference right away.

This next exercise is known as Kotegaishi, all your really doing is taking your right hand and putting it out, using your left hand to grab it and tightly and massaging it up and down(reminds me of something :D) from the top of the knuckles to the bottom of the wrist, this one might surprise you so be careful, overdo it and it will hurt you

Next exercise is put your hands together like your clapping and push your arms in and out trying to shift as much movement into the wrists as possible, isn't very effective on its own but a nice addition.

This is a badass wrist exercise, what you do is stick your arms out, take your hand and turn it upside down and grab it with your other hand and then try and pull your wrist towards your chest, BE VERY CAREFUL not only is this exercise painful but its very tricky to perform correctly, if you can't do it without hurting yourself then don't bother till your much stronger, it might not be so difficult for you if you've got loose wrists which you probably have considering theyr small

Last exercise is Sankyo, its similar to the last exercise, put one hand with thumb down and grab it with your other hand and twist the wrist far as you can and back, again be careful.

These exercises are beginner and should get you on the way, I've got some high impact and weighted exercises too but I figured I'd never hear the end of it if you injured yourself so I went with the low impact ones
Hey thanks for that. I'll give them a try. And no it's never been injured although the right one gets really tender after any pressing movement.