What do you guys take for acne

I use Plexion cleanser (sodium sulfacetamide 10% & sulfer 5%) for my face and back, and it seems to work well. You could get a cream called Duac Topical Gel (clindamycin, 1% & benzoyl peroxide, 5%). That stuff keeps my face looking right, whether I'm on or off a cycle.
What would work for me? I get no acne from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but when I used a waxing product from Sally Hansen it broke out my back and shoulders so bad. Their huge, I dont know how to get rid of them. They been there about a yr. I tried different soaps my girl gave me then tried amoxycillin from the doc. Nothing works. Any suggests.
Accutane SHOULD NOT be taken unless you are prescribed by a doctor AND are going for bi-weekly blood tests. It effects liver function, cholesterol levels, as well as many other things.
ive even heard docs say that once you start accutane you might as well go ahead and put you name on a liver donor list! im sure its not that bad but they do require monthly blood screenings w/ use. I might sound like a bitch for this but for me i use my GF's Mary Kay products and you wouldnt believe the difference it makes. im not even kidding, if anyone is really interested ill find out the names of the products for you guys. nothing better imo.
imo the best thing for acne on your back and shoulders is using dial antibacterial hand soap. The dermatologist told me that a recent study stated it working better than anything else they tried. It's definitely worth a try, it's cheap and it worked for me. I've used those tetracycline pills, phisoderm bodywash, and even microdermabrasion at the dermatologist office (works good but expensive). The dial seemed to do the trick for me though.
sure. okay i'm interested in this product your gf uses. i'm secure with my sexuality so i'm not nervous and defensful about it. let me know a.s.a.p.
pux888 said:
ive even heard docs say that once you start accutane you might as well go ahead and put you name on a liver donor list! im sure its not that bad but they do require monthly blood screenings w/ use. I might sound like a bitch for this but for me i use my GF's Mary Kay products and you wouldnt believe the difference it makes. im not even kidding, if anyone is really interested ill find out the names of the products for you guys. nothing better imo.
You've heard docs say? So you mean you've actually talked to doctors and they told you that?! Whatever. I've been on accutane for nearly a year, 6months at 40mg the rest at 20mg/day, last time I checked my liver values they were normal. I'm sure dbol and Winstrol (winny) isnt good while taking accutane but I was doing both and my liver is fine. But I wouldnt do it again, just to be safe. All I'm saying is you are exadurating, just like people do about dbol being toxic.
sorry man im not making any of that up, why would I? accutane is very hepatoxic, period. buy the way i had a bit of a run in w/ it in my teenage years. i think its gonna end up being like the whole viox deal personally. anyway Mary Kay- Blemish Control Toner (clear not blue), and Oil Free Hydrating Gel. the Acne Control Treatment Gel is good as well. use the BCT 1-3 times a day w/ a cotton swap and shit will come off your skin like you wouldnt believe. i use it directly after my shower 2 times a day on my face and back and the swap looks like you wiped the floor w/ it, even from clean skin. the oil free gel will keep skin healthy and looking very tight. i dont go a day w/ out it.
updiliman said:
I bet you dont even know about the accutane suicide.

just because your liver values are normal does not prove that it is not liver toxic
I never said it's not liver toxic. You were comparing accutane to 17aa oral steroids. :flipoffha
I've done both Accutane and Retin-A. Accutane is some serious shit. I've never sweated like I did on that stuff, and it does fuck with your head (or it did with mine at 40 mg/ed). As a result, I was turned on to Retin-A, which in the more powerful gel form really worked miracles. Worked just as well as the Accutane, albeit on a slighly longer schedule. Most of the time, though, I get by using a salicylic acid-based toner, even when I'm on cycle. Johnson & Johnson and Neutrogena make good salicylic-based toners. Dial soap also is a big help. My problem is my back, on which nothing seems to work except a dark tan.
putin said:
I never said it's not liver toxic. You were comparing accutane to 17aa oral steroids. :flipoffha

where in this thread can you find me comparing accutane to the orals?? :redhot:

as far as everyone here knows, you're the one who doesnt know shit.

encouraging a first time user to do a dbol only cycle, un-fukin-believable.
Theres a med you can get from the doc the starts a Z dont knoe the rest but then you follow up with Amoxycillin. It worked o.k. for me but I still got major breakout on the shoulders. You might not believe this but mine cam from
Salley Jansens waxing kit for my back and shoulders, Im so pissed I wanna sue. I hopr it goes away but it hasn't for a yr.

I heard accutane is terrible for yo health.
Accutane made my ALT and AST skyrocket at just 40mg/d. And it's not like I'm sensitive, when on 100mg/d Winstrol (winny) my liver profile is fine...

Accutane isn't worth it :nono:
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Accutane is by far the best medicine for ance. It works great. Only thing I hate about the accutane is the chapped lips. Damn.
i have been on accutane for 6 months 80mg a day--have my blood work done once a month and everything is FINE--i have had my reg doc...and 2 dermatologists
say there is nothing wrong with accuatane as long as u monitor the sides

any doc who tells u diff. needs to get his head out of his or her ass
in my experience, the best for acne was accutane. i used it when i was younger and it worked like a charm. i was monitored and all, i never had to get off, so i was also fine. it isnt as bad as you think although i never drank or took any other drugs at the time.