what does tren make you feel like and are the sides "worth it" for gains?


I've heard some horror stories of people on here having the agression of a mad psychotic serial killer and sweating buckets in bed, and just the fact it "messes with your mind". How true is and what does it exactly make you feel like?
Personally, Tren made me feel very calm and confident. I felt like a man in charge. And those around me felt this too. I had the power, I was in controll.
That was my last cycle. 1g Test/600 Tren E/600 Mast.
Currently I'm running 600 Test/ 600 NPP/ 600 Eq and I feel much more aggressive and angry. I've been at the muscle game long enough to know that ultimately, it's my choice--- and my responsibility to respond to any situation appropriately.
If I'm being all soft and nice with you, chances are I'm really wanting to punch you bloody!!!!
In ology tren is regarded as one bad ass strong mf compound with shit load of sides and ending up you killing your neighbor. It is not that bad. In fact one of most favorite compounds and close to 0 sides at 650 tren e.

Get out of the side lines and do see it for yourself, if you ready.
Right now for you it is like porn on tv, everything there but the bitch is missing lol.

Bro, just kinda msing with you,don't do tren if you are new.
Pros: strong as fuck and get real lean pretty quick
Cons: sweat like an animal, cant sleep, wanna fuck everything i see, get real agitated very quickly.

Is tren worth it.........fuck yeah.
tren increases your androgen levels, your emotional state will be pushed and pushed hard, start off with moderate doses until you know how you will react
I've heard some horror stories of people on here having the agression of a mad psychotic serial killer and sweating buckets in bed, and just the fact it "messes with your mind". How true is and what does it exactly make you feel like?

Im only running 400mg of tren a week with some test e and Eq....I can break a sweat by bending over to pick something up...but other than that no real sides...
Tren is awesome and my sides aren't bad at all. I sweat if I think about doing something and don't require much sleep, occasional head aches (but otc headache meds clear this up), and my cardio goes to crap. Pro's are strong as hell and horny as hell.
I have had 4 buddies who couldn't deal with the constant sweating and feeling like they were running a low grade fever so they stopped.
Tren is Definitely worth it! The aggression is not to hard to keep under control,i use tren in the winter time so i sleep with windows open, so i dont get alot of the night sweats.

overall great steroid!
In ology tren is regarded as one bad ass strong mf compound with shit load of sides and ending up you killing your neighbor. It is not that bad. In fact one of most favorite compounds and close to 0 sides at 650 tren e.

Get out of the side lines and do see it for yourself, if you ready.
Right now for you it is like porn on tv, everything there but the bitch is missing lol.

Bro, just kinda msing with you,don't do tren if you are new.

I've been calm and secure on it. Surprised me. The first week ( tren enanthate ) I was having problems sleeping. I also was having severe lethargy, which at first I thought the tren was messing with my energy, but it was due to the lack of sleep. I'm able to sleep on it now.

I have wanted to fuck every feminine creature in my path. I haven't had any violent tendancies on it. But one day I was drinking too much, and I was watching a movie "Why did I get married?", where one of the main characters was being henpecked and talked down by his brow beating never appreciative wife. I lived that life before, and was starting to feel an intense hatred for her, and was worried about projecting it onto my girlfriend, so I had to leave the room! I was getting crazy.

But without alcohol I have not had any crazy violent tendancies, just a mellow, awareness and sure of myself, that's it.
Would you recommend Tren for someone doing a 2nd cycle?
Moderate dose of 400mg-600mg/week?

Or is it up the 4th cycle and upwards?