what I did to myself in half a years time.


I am banned!
So a quick background.
I am 25 years old, in highschool I weighed 245lbs, I am 6'5". Once I hit my 20's I really just started to lose alot of fat and fill into my body. But I was the epitomy of "skinny fat" with a button up shirt on you would have thought I was a skrawny fuck. With my shirt off you would see that the only fat I carried on my body was all in my torso, I hat wicked moobs and a gyno condition (still have alittle gyno but its speading out) I had a mad beer belly and I was just not in shape at all, I never once lifted a weight in 25 years. I never cared to, had plenty of friends that lifted, was just never something I got into, and I didnt care because I could cover up how I was built, and I just never wore t-shirts, or took my shirt off in public, WELL I ended up splitting up with my kids mom, and it was rough loosing her, and my son. So I turned to working out, just one day I was sitting there feeling completely worthless and I said fuck this I am going to start making myself feel better.

SO with out all of the other details I am here now, and I love everybit of it.
This was all done with a diet and lifestyle change, no AAS (yet) hahah




You can see the date on the picture, this started just back in febuary, so it really hasnt been long at all.
In febuary I was benching 60lbs, I am now doing 165. My strength has mostly continued to increase up until recently I have played with a few different diets and had good luck with them, I am getting ready to do my first test only cycle.
But I just thought I would share my story for you guys, I know most of you are jacked monsters, and I hope to be there one day.
Thanks for reading!
Looking good dude, need to do more upper chest work but great results for only a few months, abs are coming up as well.

However i wouldnt even consider using steroids yet, you still have heaps of natural gaining to do. What is your current weight? you are still pretty skinny especially at 6"5 and if your only benching 165lbs you have a long way to go.

I would suggest doing a bulking diet and hard training over the next 2 or so years and you will look great without gear.

Now like most people ( Myself included ) you will probably do gear anyway so here is my advice,

1. Speak to 3J in the diet section and get a good mass gain diet
2. Only do Test for your first cycle, 500mg PW ( 250mg Mon and Fri )
3. Do a minimum of 10 week cycle but no more that 12 ( especially for first one )
4. Do Proper PCT
5. Lastly have everything befoe you start, including AI!

Good luck with it and i hope you dont use gear for a few years at least
I for the most part have done the basics, I was on creatine for 3 months, lol. didnt do much for me, I am taking fish oil, and bcaa's, protein, and all the basics, I have been for a long time.
I tried to do a clean bulk of about 3500 calories, I gained like 4 lbs in 2 months, lol.
I have played around with a couple of different diets and things, and for the most part had luck with all of them, except I have reached a platue in strength and weight, I have been stuck, I tried changing my diet again and Im not going anywhere.
I am planning to do test e @ 500mg a wk for 10 weeks. (maybe 12)
I have aromasin, nolva, and clomid, going to get some letro to keep on hand also.
Thanks guys!
So most people here are pretenders tot he thrown. So don't sweat it. I think you need to hold off on the cycle and work on your Diet. Your gains tell me your not eating enough and you not training hard enough. You chest should have grown a bit more in that period of time. Please don't take offense. My point is to get you to really push your body and tweak your diet. It you can't eat to grow natural your not going to be happy with your results from a cycle that has you up 25 pounds of water to come down 20 pounds. It's not worth the health risks or the high blood pressure. No if you really get your body tunes and you diet tweaked your could put on 35 pounds and keep 30. Be Safe 3j is great to work with for diet advise.
So most people here are pretenders tot he thrown. So don't sweat it. I think you need to hold off on the cycle and work on your Diet. Your gains tell me your not eating enough and you not training hard enough. You chest should have grown a bit more in that period of time. Please don't take offense. My point is to get you to really push your body and tweak your diet. It you can't eat to grow natural your not going to be happy with your results from a cycle that has you up 25 pounds of water to come down 20 pounds. It's not worth the health risks or the high blood pressure. No if you really get your body tunes and you diet tweaked your could put on 35 pounds and keep 30. Be Safe 3j is great to work with for diet advise.

bump for great advice!!!!