what i need to buy to make my own fina.


New member
hey whats up, im gonna be trying to make tren and propinate outa pellets. i was wondering what was the best kit to buy.
also are the powders legal to buy.? thanks
Buying powder and getting caught will make you look like you are a dealer, so no its hardly legal. Buying pellets can get you busted as well if they "prove" you were going to consume them illegally.

Best kit? To me a kit is a kit, I haven't heard of a "bad kit" myself but maybe they are out there.
thanks for the help. which kits do i need to make tren and test. Inless you can buy powders the same way you can buy pellets i have no way of getting powders so i guess its pellets.

ill be making tren and test for me and 3 of my friends so i guess i need a bigger kit for each.
i did a search and came across like 2 sites that sell pellets but im not sure if im looking at the right products and if the prices are good.
also how many carts do suggest i buy and what size kit should i get to make enough tren and prop for 4 people. thanks.
lololololololol ah... the questions keep a rolling. how much total product and what concentration do you wanna make it? i believe Mr T can hook ya up on all you needs, cept pellets. PM him.
simpllyhuge said:
the f type kit is for fina pellets and the s type kit is for the prop pellets right.

S would be for Synovex, I've never made it and don't want to, so I dont even know what it looks like up close pellet or otherwise.
i guess i wanna make about 105 cc thats enough for me and 2 of my friends to run it eod for about 10 weeks, inless my math is wrong.
if you gonna do 1/2ml of each eod it will last. so if you make it 100mg/ml for each you only doing 175mg/w of test and 175mg/w of tren. thats very low. this is if you making 105ml total. if you making 105ml of each it dbls.

test tren stack is the heat. syno works fine if you got the patience to remove the E.
simpllyhuge said:
is synovex not that great or do just not need it and thats why you dont plan on using it.

I just dont need it because I can get test elsewhere.
simpllyhuge said:
i guess i wanna make about 105 cc thats enough for me and 2 of my friends to run it eod for about 10 weeks, inless my math is wrong.

Find out what dose you want to run first, then you will have the answer.

If we go with 4 cars (2 belts), that would give you 8 grams to work with. Since we know already that 2 grams would last one person just over 7 weeks, then this 2.6667 grams sounds pretty good for duration, close to 10 weeks. My calculator says at 75mg EOD you would have 71 days worth for each person, if you buy 8 grams and split it amongst 3 people.

You are going to need extra sterile vials if you are going to split it up like that.

Take your time during the conversion process, its not HARD but it requires methodology and care. If you get sloppy, you will lose product.
thanks for the help mudge, so the kits usually come with directions or do i need look for those online. I also already ordered 2 100ml vials.

i think we might buy a total of 12 grams.
Generally kits will not come with instructions on how to partake in an illegal activity, I hear that at least one does though.

If 8 grams gives you 10 weeks, then yes 12 grams will get you more than that.