What is your job/position?


New member
Just wondering what some of your jobs are, being you do or have done cycles.... Just think itd be neat to see the different jobs people hold, and how you "work" your demanding schedule, and still keep up with your diet, training, and cycles.
Been working long ass days for the last year..havnt pinned for that whole time. And a cycle has little importance at the moment. Couple big ass aquisitions coming and a slight career manouver so to say..all in all life is fn good! when i can dedicate 110% again i will. In the meantime theres paper to be made..lots n lots..:)
Been working long ass days for the last year..havnt pinned for that whole time. And a cycle has little importance at the moment. Couple big ass aquisitions coming and a slight career manouver so to say..all in all life is fn good! when i can dedicate 110% again i will. In the meantime theres paper to be made..lots n lots..:)

Look at me now, look at me now
Oh, I’m getting paper
Look at me now
Oh, look at me now
Yeah, fresh than a m**da** ..LOL !!
I'm a carpenter. I've been working an hour away most of the time. I have a hour and a half window to lift wich is plenty of time. Then my wife and son come home. Its crazy most of time and I get tired but its worth it. If you enjoy working out you always make time.
Female Body Inspector, yup!!,
it's a stressful job, oh well someone's got to do it ....

might as well be me, right? lol. :D

Yup! may aswell be you, you that gets to inspect the ones that are a duece plus..the bigguns :D ...you threw in some test while you were attem and thats how you grew..:)

Dear Mrs.P...my friend. This post is not directed at you:)
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Do repair tech work on PC's at company in the ITAD industry. M-Thu 10 hours a day, so evenings and on Fri/Sat/Sun I get all day(unless we work overtime...which we are this week...and likely for the next month, yay)
Lol I'm a public drinking water plant operator/ chemist. I make water bitches!!!

Reclaimed water or recycled water, is former wastewater (sewage) that is treated to remove solids and certain impurities....you taste test this shit? So that's explains the cindy crosby crush...:D
Haha no I take river water and put chemicals in it and it goes through a carbon filter n bam out to about 300,000 people.
Lead carpenter, I pack a huge lunchbox I don't really get a lunch but move from job to job so eat on the road or even have a sandwich in my pouch while im banging, its hard because I know I burn alot of calories
i used to work for a branch of the school board.. but shitty education system + budget cuts = big fuking lay offs. so for the last few months i am doing nothing :(
currently in hiring process with a few local law enforcement dept's !!!