what needs to improve?


New member
I am 17 5'10 at 205 pounds. im not thinking of doing steriods i am completly natural. i found this site cuz i found out someone in my family did steriods and what i read everyone seems realy knowledgeable. if it would be ok for me to just stay in the diet form and post in there i would like that cuz i do need some advise in my upcoming cutting diet (which i have never done). what should i work on from these pics i would like to compete one day mabey when im 20 years old or so i know i have alot of fat on me. my arms are 16.5inches. i can get other measurments if anyone wants them. my legs are big also i couldnt get a good picture of them ill try and get one up as soon as posible. what should i work on what body part is lacking any comment is welcome. I have also been lifting now for 2 years.
Very nice V taper. For 17 I am very very impressed with your size.

Yes you have fat covering the muscle, its winter, who cares. If you train like you are and get the diet down, do everything naturally until your 20 you'll be an absolute beast.
I am 17 5'10 at 205 pounds. im not thinking of doing steriods i am completly natural. i found this site cuz i found out someone in my family did steriods and what i read everyone seems realy knowledgeable. if it would be ok for me to just stay in the diet form and post in there i would like that cuz i do need some advise in my upcoming cutting diet (which i have never done). what should i work on from these pics i would like to compete one day mabey when im 20 years old or so i know i have alot of fat on me. my arms are 16.5inches. i can get other measurments if anyone wants them. my legs are big also i couldnt get a good picture of them ill try and get one up as soon as posible. what should i work on what body part is lacking any comment is welcome. I have also been lifting now for 2 years.
like barnz said..you have very good shape and have lot of room to grow.. make sure ur diet is filled quality food and you train proper with sufficient sleep
i think i need a help on my chest i started declines to try and get my bottom of my chest better but i prolly should start dips and see if it helps what do you think?
like barnz said..you have very good shape and have lot of room to grow.. make sure ur diet is filled quality food and you train proper with sufficient sleep

Yea all i do is eat i try to get 3500-4000 calories a day with 300-350 grams of protein at least im not sure about carbs or how many i should be getting but i do take a carb drink before my workouts.
I'd say delts bro. Work on them, and that should add alot of appearence to your arms.
Yea all i do is eat i try to get 3500-4000 calories a day with 300-350 grams of protein at least im not sure about carbs or how many i should be getting but i do take a carb drink before my workouts.

post your diet, training and supplementation program here and we'll help u out
Hey man - good shape for 17 - grats! def the right decision to stay away from roids at your age. You are still growing and will get taller too - don't want to mess with that! I'd say look at your diet - go for clean complex carbs and keep to healthy fats like salmon, avocado, etc. Your chest could definately develop in the next year - Try sets of incline (slight) and flat bench with dumbells - that should get you some good mass and definition there. And go for reverse flyes for your back - also pullups are great for your lats - you have a really nive V taper and that will cut u up. Great work dude!
I'd say that your biggest room for improvement currently is Back Width... It could be that you don't really know how to flex your back in a rear double bicep pose, but it seems that you lats are really lagging.

Your chest could also use some improvement, as you've pointed out. I would concentrate on really squeezing your chest during pressing movements and incorporate some stretching to really round out the chest.

I'd like to take a look at your training split. Post it up.

Keep the diet clean and the needle OUT of your ass for the next few years and become a natural giant before you mess with anything.

Good Luck.
Keep the diet clean and the needle OUT of your ass for the next few years and become a natural giant before you mess with anything.

Good Luck.

Now tell us what you really think, Milk! hahahaha - best advice yet! right on! You def have the potential to be a natty giant dude!
agreed. you lucky young bastard lol!

why the fuck couldnt i have landed those genetics?!?

way to go kid. your 17 and could easily kick my ass

now get some tattoos..

I'd say delts bro. Work on them, and that should add alot of appearence to your arms.

I disagree. I think your delts are your best part along with your small waist. Your delts are probably doing a lot of the work load on your chest exercises.

Dips are great. I would stick with compound exercises to grow, except maybe some isolation for your chest such as peck deck flys or cable flys to isolate the chest without using your shoulders.

I think you are pretty lean already. If you clean up your diet and get rid of all empty calories such as soda it will help. Also, limit carbs and fat in the evening. Just protein like cottage cheese at night.

You have a lot of potential.
agreed. you lucky young bastard lol!

why the fuck couldnt i have landed those genetics?!?

way to go kid. your 17 and could easily kick my ass

now get some tattoos..

Not so fast on the tattoos. I like tats and want more, but I know guys who got 311 tattoos or whatever back when they were young that are not so cool now. I'm not sure at 17 you know what you will like in 15 years.
Not so fast on the tattoos. I like tats and want more, but I know guys who got 311 tattoos or whatever back when they were young that are not so cool now. I'm not sure at 17 you know what you will like in 15 years.

If you start too young you run out of canvas.
i saw a young guy at the gym the other day with




tattooed rather large down the front/side of his calf. i laughed inside.
You are on the right track for sure bro! How are your legs? I know a lot of guys your age don't like hitting legs hard....Or maybe that was just me 9 years ago. Another mistake I made at your age was training crazy long sessions. I'd be in there for like 2 hours! But yeah get as big as you can naturally before you even think of touching the needle.