What should i take?


People do...I don't.
Im looking to start juicing. But im looking to gain straight up MASS. Im not trying to get cut.

What are your suggestions?


by the way: im natural and have never juiced.
(im not bragging...just a note)

Age - 21
Height - 6'2
Weight - 170 lbs.
b/f - ???
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If you've never done anything before I would start with test.That will give you what you're looking for.I would suggest you wait a little while though(a year or two) as you still may be a bit young.
Don't be in a hurry,from what I can see from your pic you are doing well and waiting will only benefit you more in the long run.
Aboot said:
You definitely have a solid base to build upon. How long have you been training?

4 years...with winters, on and off. The cold just freezes everything.

and as for using test for the first time, i was looking at the "quik overveiw", and the side effects seem to be more defenite, then lets say Deca. Wouldnt deca be suitable for MASS gains while at the same time...less acne..less water retention etc.?

Testosterone cypionate

Quick overview:

Active Life: 15-16 days
Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (for injection)
Average Dose: Men 250-1000 mg/week
Acne: Yes
Water Retention: Yes, high
High Blood Pressure: Yes
Liver Toxic: Low, except in mega dosages
Aromatization:Yes, high
DHT Conversion: Yes, high
Decrease HPTA function: Yes, severe

Deca-Durabolin® (nandrolone decanoate)

Quick overview:

Active Life: 14-16 days
Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (injectable)
Average Dose: Men 300-800 mg/week.....Women 50-100 mg/week
Acne: Yes, in higher dosages or sensitive individuals
Water Retention: Yes, but less than testosterone
High Blood Pressure: Dose depandant
Liver Toxic: No
Aromatization: Low, converts to less active norestrogens
DHT Conversion: No, converts to NOR-DHT with low activity
Decrease HPTA function: Yes, extreme
Other Info: Highly anabolic/moderate androgenic effects
Well, it's not as easy as reading the profiles. People react to various compounds quite differently. The first thing that you should know is that if you use deca without test, your body will be going without testosterone, period. Yes, deca is a "version" of test (to put it in layman's terms) but your body will not be the same without true testosterone.

Secondly, some people have worse sides with deca than they do test. Yes, the majority of people probably have more adrogenic side effects from testosterone, but that does not mean that everyone does.

Thirdly, deca has some side effects of it's own. Research the term "deca dick" and you'll know what I mean.
And deca is tracable far longer.
For first cycle go with what most will say, 250-500mg test enanthate for 10-12weeks. Use hcg and have a good post cycle therapy (pct) planned.

On a side note, i still think you should gain natural some more years. youre only 170lbs now.
hey thanx guys for the help,

yeah my freind was telling me about "deca dick" the other day. You like cant get it up when ur on it. So that'll suck.

i guess my best bet is to go natural for a couple of more years, and then hit it. Im just always struggling with my diet. And it takes so long to see gains because of my body type.
bronx_brawla said:
hey thanx guys for the help,

yeah my freind was telling me about "deca dick" the other day. You like cant get it up when ur on it. So that'll suck.

i guess my best bet is to go natural for a couple of more years, and then hit it. Im just always struggling with my diet. And it takes so long to see gains because of my body type.

Thats gotta be the smartest thing anybody has ever said... Alot of guys just rush into things way before they are ready.... Much respect bro...
Slick Arrado said:
Let me clarify that I'm not opposed to using gear, but 21 just seems too young to cycle.

im just curious. i'm still gonna wait. But Is there any real reason to wait? What will my body have later that it does'nt now? Or should i just build on my core more, naturaly? Again, just curious.

p.s.---can you guys also critique these pics for me?
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Let me first say that at 6'2" 170lbs in those pics then you are a lean mother fucker! Nice work. Well actualy the reason they want you to wait is your bdy is still making alot of test! no need to add to it! Now post 25 is a differnt thing! For those pics take them in some better light!
you can still gain a lot more mass with food. 170 pounds at 6'2 is a very light weight. You should top 200 pounds easily with food.
caladin said:
Let me first say that at 6'2" 170lbs in those pics then you are a lean mother fucker! Nice work. Well actualy the reason they want you to wait is your bdy is still making alot of test! no need to add to it! Now post 25 is a differnt thing! For those pics take them in some better light!

yeah sorry...my lighting was bad...but i fixed the 3rd back pic. that one was the worst.

but what did you mean "post 25"?....did you mean when i turn 25?
bronx_brawla said:
im just curious. i'm still gonna wait. But Is there any real reason to wait? What will my body have later that it does'nt now? Or should i just build on my core more, naturaly? Again, just curious.

One reason is that your internal organs continue growing well into your 20s. Anabolics will alter their natural growth. It's something that not very many people think about.
Aboot said:
One reason is that your internal organs continue growing well into your 20s. Anabolics will alter their natural growth. It's something that not very many people think about.

i thought that only happens with GH?
We tend to be on the downward spiral after 25 years old. Not all as bad as it sounds but yes sort of the pininacle of health around 25ish...
Sucks huh