What should i take?

you look heavier than 170 in those pics to me. you must be lean. anyway you look good bro. spending a few more years natural and eating a bunch I bet you can make some serious gains without cycling. once you do a cycle or two i bet you could be a monster.
tman55 said:
you look heavier than 170 in those pics to me. you must be lean. anyway you look good bro. spending a few more years natural and eating a bunch I bet you can make some serious gains without cycling. once you do a cycle or two i bet you could be a monster.

thank you man,
i am lean, unfortunalty. Since im tall, i wanna look thick along with it yanno? theres nothing like a TALL , jacked motha fcukka!..lol. and i'v always been hungery for what i want. and i do plan to go natural for a couple of more years. my job right now pays shit. but im gonna be getting a new one later on thats gonna pay better. and when that happens, ill have enough money to really concentrate on my diet and grocery shopping.

and as for using test in the future...
a freind of mine says that when you come off of it...or any steroid for that matter, that your natural test production drops. so you need to go on sort of a "post cycle." to help build back up your natural test. He had a name for it...but i forgot.

Is this true? :scratchhe
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bronx_brawla said:
and as for using test in the future...
a freind of mine says that when you come off of it...or any steroid for that matter, that your natural test production drops. so you need to go on sort of a "post cycle." to help build back up your natural test. He had a name for it...but i forgot.

Is this true? :scratchhe

Yes, your body stops producing testosterone once you begin administering steroids in an attempt to maintain homeostasis. Once you stop taking the anabolics your body has to start producing test again. To help speed up the process you can run a post cycle therapy (pct) (post cycle therapy). There are several compounds that have been shown to help your body begin producing test at a much faster rate then simply going off cold turkey.

That's about it in a nutshell.
You look good man. Before you decide to use steroids, make sure you appreciate what you have already. By most people's standards, you are in awesome shape.
Golgo13 said:
You look good man. Before you decide to use steroids, make sure you appreciate what you have already. By most people's standards, you are in awesome shape.

first off....thank you for the credit.

I guess it just really bothers me when i see guys my age are bigger than me. yanno? like, what do they have that i cant have. And also the fact that the standards of a guy who looks "jacked", is so high that theres alot of competition.

B'v been wanting to do a cycle for years. But all i'v done is research, and i'll continue to educate myself fully before i hit it.

i guess i still got time left. but, i just want it NOOOOWWWW! :flamingma :D
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looking pretty good bro, id say keep it clean for another yr then hit it up slowly with some good gainers , pics are hard to tell exactly what your physique looks like but id say your looking good , dont forget to train the legs it also helps the upper grow . peace.
Vander V said:
looking pretty good bro, id say keep it clean for another yr then hit it up slowly with some good gainers , pics are hard to tell exactly what your physique looks like but id say your looking good , dont forget to train the legs it also helps the upper grow . peace.

thanx Vander V. definatley gonna start fresh with my leg routine this winter. I just have to get some minor surgery on my calf. As soon as its healed, its SQUAT TIME!!!...lol...lata.