What supplements do you guys recommend


New member
Greetings everyone. Longtime lurker first time poster here. Anyway, Ive been lifting ever since high school (ten yrs gone) for athletics and fitness. Anyway, Ive decided to take my lifting routine up a notch and try focusing more on actual body building rather than doing it for fitness sakes alone. So Im wondering what supplements you guys would say is the foundation of your regiment. Im not talking about things you may hear something about and give a try, but those supplements that you wouldnt go without. Thanks for any and all answers. By the way, yall seem to have a nice community going here and I hope to become more of an active member.

Thank you. Sorry to have asked what I guess is a stupid question not worthy of a reply. But at least one person was kind enough to at least humor me w/ a response.
You waited 4 hours for a response, some of us have jobs abs real lives behind this board. Your question could have easily been found via the SEARCH function anyway.
you just posted this today..takes time for others to reply! try to be a bit more patient... others will answer your questions!!

great list of benefical supplements imo:
whey protein
multi vitamin
antioxidants (extra vitamin C/E), green tea
ALA (alpha lipoic acid)
dextrose(for post workout)
fish oil caps
flaxseed oil

I dont think that Ive left anything out... these are just the basics
Atherjen has posted a great list. Id say if there was only one in there that you were able to get, it should probably be the whey protein.
Thank you all for your kind replies. Sorry for the lack of patience on my part, its a virtue Ive always struggled to obtain. Anyway I guess Ill just mosey on down the road now. Later.