What the f##k is wrong with people?!


New member
In the short time I have been reading through these boards, I honestly can't believe how many people are jabbing themselves with shit without even knowing how it works/how to prevent certain sides etc.

I'll admit that I am currently only on my third cycle (and still learning everyday) and am no pro, but if I am jabbing something into my body you can be damn sure I will be reading up as much as I can and have it planned out (on paper even) way in advance..

Some of these people are starting their first cycle with the likes of TREN in there... not to mention with no ancillaries or plan of PCT!! (MIND = BLOWN)

Smarten up people & don't be "that guy", end of rant.
The irony of it is that even if u got everything well planned out shit can still go wrong. Doesn't matter how much research you do or how well you got everything planned out, you can still get bunk shit or dirty gear that will cause infections. After all, this is mostly underground and some suppliers could be brewing in their dirty ass kitchen or garage. Not everybody here uses well known sources. Some go to the gym and get whatever shit the big guy has for way too much money. For all they know it could be olive oil. Real quick to put unknown shit in their bloodstream but won't research anything... Almost every other thread is related to this. Just think about the ones that aren't even on sites like this. Atleast they get told about their ignorance. Still get butt hurt about it anyways...
I get the point of your thread and its good that you research before you inject some stuff in your body.. When I did my first cycle, I didn't know everything about AAS, but I knew everything about what I was taking and everything related to it (sign of high/low estro, how and when to PCT).. We just care about ourselves.. some people don't it seem (yolo??) lol
It s a sign of the times. People want it right now and as our society continues to move towards a no accountability for ones actions this just further fuels the newbies belief they can pin olive oil 2 a week and look GREAT with out the discomfort of diet training, resting researching etc.

I know a 25 yrold who lives w his mommy who only trains when he s on tren..he looks like shit I m o . I see it every day...and I too when 19 ran a d bol cycle. Then competed from 22-25 and never heard of ai s and pct...

Soooo I try to educate and assist here on this forum. Do not need the heat in my personal life.
It s a sign of the times. People want it right now and as our society continues to move towards a no accountability for ones actions this just further fuels the newbies belief they can pin olive oil 2 a week and look GREAT with out the discomfort of diet training, resting researching etc.

I know a 25 yrold who lives w his mommy who only trains when he s on tren..he looks like shit I m o . I see it every day...and I too when 19 ran a d bol cycle. Then competed from 22-25 and never heard of ai s and pct...

Soooo I try to educate and assist here on this forum. Do not need the heat in my personal life.

The difference is that you didn't have the benefit of the internet when you where 19. I too didn't grow up with the internet and I feel like I still knew more about AAS back then. Many kids seem to know less today despite all the information advantages at their disposal.
It s a sign of the times. People want it right now and as our society continues to move towards a no accountability for ones actions this just further fuels the newbies belief they can pin olive oil 2 a week and look GREAT with out the discomfort of diet training, resting researching etc.

I know a 25 yrold who lives w his mommy who only trains when he s on tren..he looks like shit I m o . I see it every day...and I too when 19 ran a d bol cycle. Then competed from 22-25 and never heard of ai s and pct...

Soooo I try to educate and assist here on this forum. Do not need the heat in my personal life.
Love your honesty bro!
It s a sign of the times. People want it right now and as our society continues to move towards a no accountability for ones actions this just further fuels the newbies belief they can pin olive oil 2 a week and look GREAT with out the discomfort of diet training, resting researching etc.

I know a 25 yrold who lives w his mommy who only trains when he s on tren..he looks like shit I m o . I see it every day...and I too when 19 ran a d bol cycle. Then competed from 22-25 and never heard of ai s and pct...

Soooo I try to educate and assist here on this forum. Do not need the heat in my personal life.
Love your honesty bro!

I can be honest here too, myself been cruising and blasting for 2 years, now thats the choice I made like others that do so then a year down the road say I fucked up and me natural t is fucked up Help me, I was diagnosed with low t after sobering up alcohol and drug abuse, now I am not going to get into the whole swing of stuff but myseld started out with the hard stuff as well, npp, tren ect, now my point is, everyone think tren is so bad, I believe myself its a love or hated drug, either u can handle it, u try to handle it, or it just completely hates u
Myself love tren, I have more sides on high test then what I get on tren, so its def a statement of what aas suits u
As far as people asking dumb questions and not researching I agree with that forsure
And yes I follow procedures, I follow up with bloods, donate bkood ect ect if people wanted to know, my doc is pretty good that way, even tho he doesnt agree with it here in canada it is legal for personal use, so he doesnt decline when I want my bloods done
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Good post, but could have been from and informative post rather than brow beating. I do it more than I should myself.

They see the guys I the gym on mags and think that all there is to it is get some gear, the strongest out there and stab. Then they find out as they get closer to the users the info about how it is done correctly as well as the forum.

Back in my day 80's we just stabbed at what we could get. I have some Gyno that started years ago. Thanks,
The irony is that it's the very attempt to paint AAS in such a bad light that makes them so attractive to young kids starting out. When an athlete is busted (rightly) for cheating, the media acts like they injected something that makes you instantly superhuman whether you train or not. If you are gonna exaggerate the health cost, you also gotta exaggerate the benefits if you expect people to believe you.
I see loads of kids starting cycles round here with no clue. Sometimes their dealer throws PCT meds in the bag as well a,d gives a quick explanation about such stuff, but usually not. Kids will save for weeks to afford a cycle, and not have the money for food anyway. Or they only have the food mom and dad buy each week. Pretty hard to ask mom to double your calorie intake without her having a question or two
The difference is that you didn't have the benefit of the internet when you where 19. I too didn't grow up with the internet and I feel like I still knew more about AAS back then. Many kids seem to know less today despite all the information advantages at their disposal.

Ahh the good old days...all we had to go off of pre-internet was beaten up photocopies of Bill Phillips "Anabolic Reference Guide"
Thank god for these forums is all I can say. The weirdo's and strangers on here did teach me a lot(profile new but been reading boards since 2011)

I did my first cycle at 19 of dry Halo. Some cop sold it to me(YES A COP AT MY GYM). I told him I had a problem growing chest and he told me to take these tablets 4 times a week. Did not do a PCT or AI....and I drank a LOT that summer too.

I would of continued down that path if it wasn't for this place. Luckily I found this site 5 weeks into my cycle, started reading, got off the dry cycle and took a 2 year break from gear
Thank god for these forums is all I can say. The weirdo's and strangers on here did teach me a lot(profile new but been reading boards since 2011)

I did my first cycle at 19 of dry Halo. Some cop sold it to me(YES A COP AT MY GYM). I told him I had a problem growing chest and he told me to take these tablets 4 times a week. Did not do a PCT or AI....and I drank a LOT that summer too.

I would of continued down that path if it wasn't for this place. Luckily I found this site 5 weeks into my cycle, started reading, got off the dry cycle and took a 2 year break from gear

Wish I heard more stories like this!
People who stop and listen, learn a lil even..

OP, yes its VERY annoying how dumb people can be!.

my first "fun" was deca only (2 times), but from my doc, ... now I know more than him.....
I've been at this a long time and It a mazes me that people don't take the time to do any research. It is not normal to stick yourself with syringe and inject a foreign substance into your body.
This game is scary if you don't know what your doing. When I first started this game I thought I was ready; had all my gear and was going to get it rolling until I stumbled across this site and my eyes were opened. Shit I wasn't ready at all. There was so much shit I didn't know and if it wasn't for this site who knows what would have happened. Needless to say I waited another year before starting a cycle and learning what it took to play this game. I realized that I hadn't been in the gym long enough and that I had no idea how to control the side effects. So I went to the doctor for blood work to get things rolling and found out I was already low T and needed TRT for life. Kinda a shitty feeling but the up side is I monitor my blood work on the regular and I am legal.

I think the problems with kids is that they don't care about the long term effects on the body. They feel invisible and want everything right now without wanting to put in the hard work first. I may have started the lifting game late at 30 years of age but after three years of lifting I finally felt I was ready to juice. Only because I was in touch with my body, I knew how to lift properly and I understood the consequences of abusing my gear. I feel if they just made the shit legal and educated the youth we would't be having this conversation.
This game is scary if you don't know what your doing. When I first started this game I thought I was ready; had all my gear and was going to get it rolling until I stumbled across this site and my eyes were opened. Shit I wasn't ready at all. There was so much shit I didn't know and if it wasn't for this site who knows what would have happened. Needless to say I waited another year before starting a cycle and learning what it took to play this game. I realized that I hadn't been in the gym long enough and that I had no idea how to control the side effects. So I went to the doctor for blood work to get things rolling and found out I was already low T and needed TRT for life. Kinda a shitty feeling but the up side is I monitor my blood work on the regular and I am legal.

I think the problems with kids is that they don't care about the long term effects on the body. They feel invisible and want everything right now without wanting to put in the hard work first. I may have started the lifting game late at 30 years of age but after three years of lifting I finally felt I was ready to juice. Only because I was in touch with my body, I knew how to lift properly and I understood the consequences of abusing my gear. I feel if they just made the shit legal and educated the youth we would't be having this conversation.

How many young kids look ahead to the long term with that being in excess of maybe 10yrs. I always said , hey I will cross that bridge when I get there, or better yet it won't happen to me.
How many young kids look ahead to the long term with that being in excess of maybe 10yrs. I always said , hey I will cross that bridge when I get there, or better yet it won't happen to me.

I hear ya man I am just as guilty!! I never feared anything when I was young. I think it all changed when I had kids of my own... +

I have a younger brother who wants to get on gear because he sees my progress. I keep telling him come back to me when your ready. His response is always the same "how the fuck will I know when I am ready" Haha I will let you know
The difference is that you didn't have the benefit of the internet when you where 19. I too didn't grow up with the internet and I feel like I still knew more about AAS back then.
--Yup..it was books or magazines (Dan Duchaine articles in Muscle Media 2000), but at least we tried to research
Many kids seem to know less today despite all the information advantages at their disposal.
My favorite is trying to explain to someone, "yes, you're gonna have to pin" and "no you can not run just an oral only"
In the short time I have been reading through these boards, I honestly can't believe how many people are jabbing themselves with shit without even knowing how it works/how to prevent certain sides etc.

I'll admit that I am currently only on my third cycle (and still learning everyday) and am no pro, but if I am jabbing something into my body you can be damn sure I will be reading up as much as I can and have it planned out (on paper even) way in advance..

Some of these people are starting their first cycle with the likes of TREN in there... not to mention with no ancillaries or plan of PCT!! (MIND = BLOWN)

Smarten up people & don't be "that guy", end of rant.

it's that damn rap music im tellin ya