What the hell is this Dr. trying to do!?

someone please tell me what the fuck this Dr is trying to do?

I honestly have no fucking clue but whatever the hell hes doing CANT be right!

YouTube - My leg biopsy (vastus lateralis)

Looks fine to me. The reason he is moving the needle around so much while injecting is that is a local anesthetic. He is trying to get it around as much as possible. Also he is Z-tracking which makes it look exaggerated. The he makes an incision and extracts a piece of tissue. Looks pretty kosher. Actually his Z-tracking is probably one of the best forms I have seen.
Looks fine to me. The reason he is moving the needle around so much while injecting is that is a local anesthetic. He is trying to get it around as much as possible. Also he is Z-tracking which makes it look exaggerated. The he makes an incision and extracts a piece of tissue. Looks pretty kosher. Actually his Z-tracking is probably one of the best forms I have seen.


dammnn lol
This doctor is Z tracking with just the syringe. Leaves me in awe, and notice he is doing it perfectly because there is no blood with anesthetic dosing.

For those who are new to the injection game a easy way to do a Z track is to pull the skins over to one side and hold it. Then insert, aspirate, inject, withdraw holding skin the whole time. When are all the way out let the skin go. The subcutaneous fat puncture and IM puncture will no longer line up resulting in no bleeding or possible gear leakage. Just don't let go till you are all the way out or you can snap the needle off.