whats all this shit about biggieswole being a scammer?

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jyzza said:
This my .02 on the subject....quick and simple....

We all have a past....we grow learning from our experiences....the people that don't learn get no where in life....Biggie is doing good for himself....

Biggie and his Mods have helped me out in the past and they are all good people and I can care less what mistakes they have made in the past(as long as the lesson was learned).....I'm not an angel myself…lol

yeah, this is the board for real men and former outlaws (or present day outlaws). :p not sissified like EF. i learned my lesson and it was this....stay off of EF and you'll be straight. and did someone just call me an assclown? or was it class clown? where is my negative karma button..................
jyzza said:

We all have a past....we grow learning from our experiences....the people that don't learn get no where in life....Biggie is doing good for himself....
Amen Brutha

DepressiveJuice said:

not saying its true but would like to hear some feedback

Do you really give a shit Mr. 7 posts since March?? You rarely post here, but then post this crap acting like you're concerned. Quit being a child, trying to stir up gossip, grow up, and get a life for Christmas PLEASE!
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