Whats the best cycle to get lean and maintain weight


I'm 6 210lbs with a soft midsection. Been training for years ( i was about 165-170 when I started ) and did a cycle or two but test adds water weight around my midsection. I'm going to be 60 next week and I want to be in the best shape I can be.any suggestions on anything other than diet and training to get me tighter and harder
clean but not perfect I eat bread and pasta some. I would eat leaner if I knew it would help but when I eat to clean I lose weight. I eat chicken, tuna, lean ground beef, beans, salads with just oil an vinegar, non fat yogurt with protein powder, some fruit, skim milk.
test adds water weight around my midsection

That would be due to a lack of AI buddy...

You'll find testosterone paired with good estrogen management - will make you leaner and improve LMM.

As for stripping fat (given your age) - I recommend nothing more than a caloric deficit - 3 x CV sessions a week - and simply up the intensity of your current weights sessions (lower recovery periods, drop sets, supersets, rest/pause sets etc)
I would focus more on diet if I were you. It's the backbone of all things. There is no magic pill that gives you permanent results. Soz. :)
And the older you get the more diet plays a factor.
Oh if only I had the steam engine metabolism I had in my 20s!
When im 60 i will only use test primo and maybe anavar with some hgh of course. And ill be driving a van with a wheel chair lift from all the surgeries im gonna need from powerlifting.
Haha yeah I hear ya. I squatted today with my135lbs doing a2g sets of 15 reps. I literally felt nauseous watching dude beside me grind out 315 for reps like I used to do. I'm 42 and gettin old fast.
Im 52

It s all about the kitchen and if needed aerobics.

Burn more fuel than you eat you tap in the strategic reserve.
Caloric deficit. Your mistake is that you are only focusing on what foods you are eating. Not how much of it. Knowing how many calories you are eating will help ensure that you eat less than you burn in a day, so that your body will tap into fat for the extra fuel to make up for the deficit.

You said you "lose weight" when you diet. That's supposed to happen. Don't be one of those guys that sees the fat melting away and thinks it's their swol muscles. Too many guys think they are jacked, but are just tubs of lard with more muscle than average. When they get lean, they think they lost all their "gainz".
Caloric deficit. Your mistake is that you are only focusing on what foods you are eating. Not how much of it. Knowing how many calories you are eating will help ensure that you eat less than you burn in a day, so that your body will tap into fat for the extra fuel to make up for the deficit.

You said you "lose weight" when you diet. That's supposed to happen. Don't be one of those guys that sees the fat melting away and thinks it's their swol muscles. Too many guys think they are jacked, but are just tubs of lard with more muscle than average. When they get lean, they think they lost all their "gainz".

Thanks for all the input guys. Im trying to workout faster with higher reps and less rest . Plus watching the diet more
Did the title and subject change? What i wrote makes no sense to this thread and i never make mistakes lol
It's all diet baby. Androgens & stims/fat burners are just a bonus. 90% of your results will come from diet. Focus on calories/protein.

@49er You're losin your mind brother
OP get a grip and learn about the safest way to use AAS and the side effects of different compounds and how your body reacts to a higher test level due to the introduction of exogenous steroids. There are side effects that can be controlled by the use of an AI.

This will help the control of unwanted water retention you speak of which is normal for exogenous testosterone use.

No offense but you need to go back to the drawing board and get educated in the use of AAS.