whats the best way to ask "that guy" in the gym?


Knowledge is Power
what up guys?? So I work out at a gym that doesnt really have many big lifters. Recently a new trainer began working and was of average build/size. Incase you cant already see where this is headed, the kid is huge now... he's probly put on 25 lbs in the past 2 months, maybe more. Im off cycle right now for another 2 months, but am begining to plan the next one. Ive since lost my source. Whats the best way to approach the guy and find out if he can get anything for me?? Clearly Im not afraid of the guy, nothing like that, Im a big guy and can handle my shit, but Ive worked out there for a while and dont want to leave. I was worried he might just be a dick and blow up my spot with the others who work there whom I know and wouldnt want to deal with looks and people talking shit. I was thinking something like "even though this conversation never happened...." Ive never spoken to anyone in person about aas and have especially never approached just any big guy who just seemed unnaturally big. Im sure some of you have been in this position before. Mind you Ive never spoken to the guy before.

What do you think??
You've heard the saying....don't shit where you eat? Leave it alone unless you don't mind being eyed up all the time. He's a trainer and kind of a professional if you get my drift and will deny he is on....especially to you.
yeah thats what I thought-- its so obvious the kid is using too-- you guys who have easy access are lucky bastards
i've tried to do that before since i dont really care what people think but its a bad idea.. i asked just about every big guy in the gym i was at if they could help me out and EVERYONE looked at me with a face and said "no idea what you're talking about.. i dont mess with that".. mind you, the ones i asked were the ones who exploded in size in a month or two.

but like ozzy said, all that got me was looks from time to time from those people and their friends. they will always deny it... would you tell someone the truth if they asked?.. especially if you didn't know them?..

i say get to know the guy for a while and then bring it up as smooth as possible.. ask him to spot you on bench or some shit... just my 2¢
"would you tell someone the truth if they asked?.. especially if you didn't know them?.."

good point lol

go up to the guy at the front desk and ask him if you can put it over their loud speaker. thats what i did..
You can always make friend with him, ask him about his training, his diet, etc.. chat a little for some weeks/months, then in some time, raise the question.. but don't come with that question immediately, that's for sure
You can always make friend with him, ask him about his training, his diet, etc.. chat a little for some weeks/months, then in some time, raise the question.. but don't come with that question immediately, that's for sure

yup this is the ONLY smart way of doing it!
I'm sorry but if someone approached me at the gym regarding gear, I'd be most likely to blow them off. I'd say something like "WHAT, don't you know how ILLEGAL those things are??" Then, I'd go about my business like they weren't there. Google source check, that's all Iḿ saying.
I kind of like the idea of putting it over the loud speaker.. but thats just me. ;)
You said he's a trainer, right?? Well, sign up!! Thats the best way to get to know someone.
When I first got into the game , or atleast thinking about doing gear. I asked the owner , he was a professional BB and you can't deny you aint doin shit. He just said....I have no idea , there are couple of guys I can ask. Yea , right....you mean go into your office and see the 100 bottles and tons of pills , if you have any to spare. I was looked at for awhile after that stunt. Live n Learn.

whats wrong with the sponsor ? seems that a lot of people are backing him. who knows what you'll get from a guy you don't know.
You can always make friend with him, ask him about his training, his diet, etc.. chat a little for some weeks/months, then in some time, raise the question.. but don't come with that question immediately, that's for sure

Theres your answer......You cant just ask some one something like that with out knowing the guy. So like g said take your time and get to know the guy. Ask the guy for a spot or like j said maybe take a sesion with him to break the ice....Or like what was said use the sponcer on the board. Most likely he'll even be cheaper then the guy from the gym to....
I like the loud speaker idea as well, LOL.

The only two guys in my gym who I think use gear are both state cops . I'm waiting to be pulled over with a traffic ticket by one of them , then I'll ask .