What's the bloody truth here? - dbol only cycle.



Help me out here,I'm 29,5'10",160 lb's,very little body fat.

I'm doing 30mg/day,split 3 doses/day,6 week dbol only cycle.

I'm training hard/heavy 3x/week,using milk thistle and eating big.

If I do good pct,how much of my gains will I probably keep?

I say bloody truth because I'm being told different things by different people.
I'm being encouraged to inject test which I understand and respect as an opinion but at same time I'm weary as I've read so many times,first hand experiences that alot of guys do keep their gains fine.

I've used Dbol only for years and have been very happy with the results and kept good gains after aswell. The only problem is that I found I was having to do 60 - 100 mg a day to get the results I wanted so to save my liver I am now on my 1st cycle of test.deca, 5weeks in not overly impressed so far but will keep you posted
Help me out here,I'm 29,5'10",160 lb's,very little body fat.

I'm doing 30mg/day,split 3 doses/day,6 week dbol only cycle.

I'm training hard/heavy 3x/week,using milk thistle and eating big.

If I do good pct,how much of my gains will I probably keep?

I say bloody truth because I'm being told different things by different people.
I'm being encouraged to inject test which I understand and respect as an opinion but at same time I'm weary as I've read so many times,first hand experiences that alot of guys do keep their gains fine.


You will keep very little of the gains acheived... even w/a good post cycle therapy (pct). In general, Dbol is used to embelish a cycle.

What are your goals here??
Hi,thanks for your advice.

So how many cycles dbol have you done or how many dbol alone?
When you say very happy with results what do you mean,gained?,kept?,bit of detail...

I'll be looking to incorporate my left over dbol tabs into next cycle so any ideas for a follow on cycle would be very welcome,only looking to add one other product though.

Thanks in advance yeah and for taking time to respond and for responding politely too.
To each his own. There is no truth other than dbol only is not a very efficient way to go. Will you keep some gains, sure. But nothing like test. Not even close. Its too bad too for those who are too afraid to stick a needle in their ass so they stick with orals. Theyre really missing the boat in a big way.
the d bol is a waste of time interms of keep the gains.Maybe to start a cycle or give you a little more power in the gym but other than that its water retention brother.
i did a dbol only when i was uneducated of the facts...

i got a nice size for about a month.. and by nice size i mean the water tightened my clothes... hahaha and then i lost it all

plain and simple.. dbol only = waste of money

add Test. period.
you no what i took a dbol only cycle a couple years ago i did 40mg E/D for 5 weeks i gained about 20lbs and the 4 1/2 week i started to take 30mg of nolva and i kept almost 15lbs i did use creatine and other supplement but i would have to say it was good for me but i would not recamend a dbol only cycle throw some test e 3-400mg E/W for about 10 weeks
Dbol is a good compound, but you should stack it with something else for maximal gains, test/npp/tren.
To each his own. There is no truth other than dbol only is not a very efficient way to go. Will you keep some gains, sure. But nothing like test. Not even close. Its too bad too for those who are too afraid to stick a needle in their ass so they stick with orals. Theyre really missing the boat in a big way.[/QUOTE

I think D bols are a waste of time my self with out an injectable and please dont tear me a new one here.But with out the inject its a waste of time and money.They have there place but for keeping any of the gains you make forget about it.I was told in another thread that if I cant keep the gains on dbol its my fault that I was doing something wrong and that i dont know what im doing.I can keep my gains on dbol I just have to use 3 gallons of soya sauce which doesnt taste good.Go figure.The guy must have a shit load of soduim in his diet and I dont know what Im doing.God bless.:help::help:
bro with dbol, ive found that, instead of taking a heavy amount for a shorter period of time, a more moderate amount for a longer period worked better and i kept better gains. so for me like 15 mgs a day for like 100 days works real nice.
I've heard of people doing lower dosages for longer periods of time, but I don't know how common that is.

My first time with steroids was dbol only for about a month. I got strong as hell and kept 10 pounds after I finished (didn't do proper PCT). I took between 30 and 50 mg daily. I don't regret it because it was very easy for me, as a first time user, to just take my pills daily, and not get involved with needles and injecting.

Now I run proper cycles with injectables and tabs. If you've already started the cycle, you might as well finish it. Even though dbol only is nowhere near an ideal cycle, this will be a good chance for you to get a taste of what steroids are about, how they effect you, how you react, and whether you want to do it again in the future. Good luck bro
all these people quoting "facts", but I have yet to actually see one

"fact", the more anabolic a drug is, the more it will help you to build actual muscle tissue, not water retention, but actual growth.

"fact", dbol is one of the most anabolic drugs out there, mg per mg, it may just be the most anabolic, definitely going by my own experience.

so combine those 2 "facts", and dbol is superior in many ways, to many other anabolic steroids. So why does the old wive's tale about dbol only cycles still persist, that you cant gain and maintain real mass with it....Off hand I can see a few reasons....One, due to another wives tale about how hard it is on the liver, dbol cycles tend to be short, in the order of around 4 weeks, while test and other injectables cycles tend to be in the 8-12 week range. So no brainer, you will gain and keep more off one of the other cycles. Not to mention, add the the mg per week in a test cycle, and compare it to the mgs per week in a dbol cycle, the dbol user is using much less.

Also add in the fact that many that run dbol only cycles due so because they dont want to inject, which tends to have the users who are much less serious about bodybuilding taking this route...those more serious about getting huge, will get over their fear of poking. So this often being the case, the user knows less about training and nutrition, so they dont gain as much pure mass from the cycle as the experienced or serious user. Most of what they gain tends to be water, which of course is pissed out when they stop they cycle, regardless of the post cycle therapy (pct) you follow. Also, this less experienced user, often has difficulty telling the difference between the water gained, and the muscle mass, this is easy to do as much of that water is held within the muscle, its not bloat....I fell for this many times during my early cycles

But I can honestly attribute much of my overall mass to dbol, arnold called it the breakfast of champions for a reason, and I think he knew more about bodybuilding than your average person who has these opinions of dbol. Mg per mg, dbol is by far the best steroid I have ever used...I have been cycling pretty extensively over the years, and as my avatar shows, I've done pretty well. And I am willing to bet I wouldnt be half this advanced without the drug

Dbol only cycles can be done successfully with lots of mass retained, you just need to keep a few things in mind
Everyone should also keep in mind that everyone's body types, diets, and workouts are different. I've kept gains of about 50% from dbol only cycles in the past and especially when I was a newbie to gear. At this point I had not reached my natural potential, so this begs the question of whether some of the kept gains are do to natural causes of working out harder and heavier etc. regardless of the gear. I would place money that I could get a handful of newbies in a gym to make and keep gains off of a placebo sugar pill. As long as they think they are taking something and will eat more and train harder and make perm gains. In my opinion, the question can have no definitive answer do to all variables involved. Personally, I have made and kept gains with dbol, only because it was my introduction to gear and I learned what and when to eat during the process. When you progress, you will learn how much cleaner it is for your body to inject instead of the hell your body goes through detoxifying the oral drugs on the first pass.

I'm answering the orginal post by the way. The stats look like an ectomorph body type. Just keep lifting hard and you will increase the chance of keeping gains. Once I stop lifting I lose about 5 pounds per week from atrophy. 6'5 215