Whats the longest amount of time you have run tren?


New member
Provided BP and other sides are being managed, how long have you/would you recommend running it safely before pushing it and really running into trouble? I've always had pretty fast HPTA recovery, even from harsh cycles, so that isn't an issue for me.

i've ran it for 8 weeks, i don't know if tren is advisable to run for long periods since it is pretty toxic
8 weeks or less...The sides just got "harsher" for me beyond 8 weeks..I can handle the night sweats, bacne, heartburn but the fatigue factor for me was/is something I'll try to avoid next go around..I didn't discontinue the Tren, I just don't advice going too long with it, though I know bros who have and not get a single side..everyone's different I suppose. >8 weeks for me seems to be just right.
ive run tren 4months with test and deca, with the deca 2 of the 4 months with proper post cycle therapy (pct) i never felt shut down,
superstarmike said:
ive run tren 4months with test and deca, with the deca 2 of the 4 months with proper post cycle therapy (pct) i never felt shut down,

..and at what doses??????
18 weeks, off for 5 weeks and been back on for 3 weeks and going till who knows when. lol.

On a side note, this shit makes me nuts. i pick dumb fights with my wife, have awful dreams, HUGE mood swings like from uber happy to almost suicidal, try to start shit with people out in public that likely have a gun under their front seat, etc, etc, I dont have sleep issues though this time around as i got my doc to prescribe me some xanax to take before bed. Never slept better, even on 75mg of tren ED.

This might be the last time i run it.
I don't keep a journal but if memory serves I think it was about 20 weeks. I haven't run if for more the last few years because tren can make me irritable and somewhat argumentative and I really want to keep my girl. I also had some insomnia and acne issues.
The run would depend on the dosage taken. If you take a low dose ED, you can run Tren for a long time with no sides, if you do high doses,....etc. It's all dose dependent.
18 weeks, off for 5 weeks and been back on for 3 weeks and going till who knows when. lol.

On a side note, this shit makes me nuts. i pick dumb fights with my wife, have awful dreams, HUGE mood swings like from uber happy to almost suicidal, try to start shit with people out in public that likely have a gun under their front seat, etc, etc, I dont have sleep issues though this time around as i got my doc to prescribe me some xanax to take before bed. Never slept better, even on 75mg of tren ED.

This might be the last time i run it.

My temper definetly went through the roof with Tren
18 weeks, off for 5 weeks and been back on for 3 weeks and going till who knows when. lol.

On a side note, this shit makes me nuts. i pick dumb fights with my wife, have awful dreams, HUGE mood swings like from uber happy to almost suicidal, try to start shit with people out in public that likely have a gun under their front seat, etc, etc, I dont have sleep issues though this time around as i got my doc to prescribe me some xanax to take before bed. Never slept better, even on 75mg of tren ED.

This might be the last time i run it.

Ive run it for 20 wks or more ..i lost count

At present I'm running it for 10 wks switchin to NPP then back again for another 10..for some reason when I switch it triggers a ripped spurt and cut up alot from the switch :frogjump:
I ran it for 13 months at 700mgs a week tren enan. Dont recommend, but since you asked.
shit, tren is overrated. I've lost count, must be at 16-20 weeks by now. I feel it lost effectiveness after 6-8 weeks though. I even upped it to 700mg a week for 4 weeks, no amazing gains in strength.

I will be doing the NPP trick soon.

I also have strong cock pretty much all the time.
Rarely am I unable to hold an erection for less than a hour.
shit, tren is overrated. I've lost count, must be at 16-20 weeks by now. I feel it lost effectiveness after 6-8 weeks though. I even upped it to 700mg a week for 4 weeks, no amazing gains in strength.

I will be doing the NPP trick soon.

I also have strong cock pretty much all the time.
Rarely am I unable to hold an erection for less than a hour.

What dose of test are you running with it if any?