What's up guys new to the board!


New member
So i browsed and read for along time. Glad i finally joined the board though, basically I'm wanting to start another cycle soon and am here for some guidance and help along the way. Now proceed to rip the noob lol
So i browsed and read for along time. Glad i finally joined the board though, basically I'm wanting to start another cycle soon and am here for some guidance and help along the way. Now proceed to rip the noob lol
Welcome. What are your stats, age, weight, height, bf%, blood test? whats your diet and training routine like? cycle goals?
Im 26 years old, 6'2, 210, 12% bf, and no blood test but will get on that asap. Diet is pretty good i average around 3000-3200 calories a day. I lift 4 days a week and 2 days of cardio. Cycle goals are to add another 20-30 lbs but also stay pretty lean. My first and only cycle was when i was young and dumb. I didnt know what the hell i was doing, i ran test-e and dbol. Had to stop the cycle and didn't use pct.
Welcome. 20-30 lbs lbm on one cycle is a stretch.

Outline your cycle, training and nutrition. Be specific. I put on 20 lbs my first cycle, but I had trained for 15 years previously. Everything has to be spot on.
It might appear to be a LOT to read, but it is all VERY VERY VERY good and important info, so please read it before you start doing anything.




I also highly recommend hooking up with 3J and at least get his short coaching program. Your fitness goals are 80% diet, 15% exercise, and a scant 5% genetics / PEDs. You can never out exercise or out drug a bad diet. 3J will give you the knowledge and help you need to succeed. Trust me, it is worth it. You also get to keep what you learn for a lifetime...and all for less than a single good cycle will cost.
Welcome to the board :wavey:
All the posts a with advice are solid guy. AS said 20-30m lbs is a big stretch. Remember the inexperience cycler usually gains a lot of water. So that's ok but you must understand what gain is water and what is MM.

Even 2 cycles 20-30 lbs of muscle is not going to happen if in one year. 20 maybe ? A man can only gain 15-20 lbs of LMM in one year And that is dependent on very many things such as how long and many cycles you've done and many other things. I just want you to have a good understanding

Now as said please read :

Cycling for beginners :-A guide to safe androgen use


'Ology Frequently Asked Questions

And come back with some more Q's. A lot to learn before you start but ya know this is where we can help you.

Good luck with your reading . :) .
Thanks for all the info guys. I appreciate steering me in the right direction. Old muscle Mike I'm still here man haha
Another fvckin drive by

Ah ha... So OP you stopped in on your way by again , LOL GOOD ! :) Did you get reading on those links you were given. Also look at the steroid profiles. When you go along on this life style the profiles are important for you to put together a stack.

This cycle for you is really your first. What you told us you did was not proper and you said you bailed out.
Gotta understand :
Aromatizing and the enzyme Aromatase
Why and how to use an AI
Side effects of high and low Estradiol (E2)
Proper PCT and why

I'll stop there. Understand what happens with AAS. Also understand that unless you are getting ready for Comp. No one needs to run more then 2 to 3 compounds in one cycle, your body can only synthesize so much in just 12-16 weeks.

You were thinking about doing a cycle so where do you stand now after you got these guys responses.

When you get closer and have educated yourself put a cycle together in and lay it out in outline form for us to critique.
Good luck