Whats your guess of my BF%?


What do you guys figure my bf % would be at in the pics? Im 205lbs right now gonna drop some weight get to like 185 and a low bf % Any advice or tips much appreciated.
How tall are you? I would say about 20% which that number could change depending on your legs.
You're probably close to 25% Diet tips: Count your calories. Cardio: 4-5 days a week HIIT.
I like to do sprint intervals and prowler pushes for cardio. Your best bet for diet would be to get with 3J and post your diet in the diet section and go from there.
i would say around 25%.. i cant see your legs so im not sure of it.. but you got some bf to get rid of
I'll just say way to much! easy 25/30 only cost 10 bucks at the local gym to get a closer figure though. Bro you need to make a life style change if you want to drop that. This includes Nutrion, Weights and Cardio in that order. Just being Honest
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