SWEET! Im glad you tried it, I was taught how to lift by a pro powerlifter. So i didnt touch a machine until a solid year in. I think if you develop muscles using the main lifts and learn HOW to feel your muscles and isolate them, it a lot better. My Schedule looks like this:
45 mins of cardio
Deadlift - 3 x 3 or 3 x 1 @ 80-90-100%, Following week Box Squat 3 x 3 @ 80-90-100%
Glute ham raise - 3 x 10
Abs, Weighted - 3 x 10
Static Holds (hang from chin up bar for grip) - 3 x 45 seconds
Tuesday - HIIT cardio 15 minutes, moderate cardio for 20 mins
As many sit ups in 60 seconds, stretching
Low Decline Bench Press - 3 x 3 or 3 x1 @ 90-95-100%
Close Grip Bench Press, Paused at Bottom 1 Second - 3 x 8
Lateral Raise - 4 x 12
Chest Supported Rows - 4 x 8
Bicep (E-z) Curl - 3 x 8
Thursday - Low,moderate cardio at 45 minutes
30 mins of cardio
Squats - 3 x 5 at 80-90-100%
Good-morning - 2 x 6 using 90-95%
Dumbell stiff legged deadlifts - 3 x 10
Hanging Leg Raises - 3 x 12
Saturday - HIIT cardio 10-12 minutes, 10 minutes jumping rope, hanging leg raises 4 x 10, walking lunges for 5 minutes
40 mins cardio
Bench Press - 3 x 5 at 80-90-100%
Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 8
Skull Crushers - 4 x 10
DB Row - 4 x 8
Upright Rows - 4 x 8
Monday - HIIT cardio 15 minutes, 30 minutes slow, moderate cardio
Tuesday - Rest Day
I change it up a lot to accommodate lagging parts.
Also when I wake up I stretch and do 50 sit ups and 50 push ups. It helps me wake up.