Whats your workout routine like?


Hey ladies and guys too :) just curious whats your routine like? Im trying to get my routine together and would like to know what you guys do to keep in shape. Thanks :)

BTW blondie recommended deadlifts ...and i am sooo sore today!!! lol felt pretty good though but if i want to look like her picture i gotta do them haha !
SWEET! Im glad you tried it, I was taught how to lift by a pro powerlifter. So i didnt touch a machine until a solid year in. I think if you develop muscles using the main lifts and learn HOW to feel your muscles and isolate them, it a lot better. My Schedule looks like this:

45 mins of cardio
Deadlift - 3 x 3 or 3 x 1 @ 80-90-100%, Following week Box Squat 3 x 3 @ 80-90-100%
Glute ham raise - 3 x 10
Abs, Weighted - 3 x 10
Static Holds (hang from chin up bar for grip) - 3 x 45 seconds

Tuesday - HIIT cardio 15 minutes, moderate cardio for 20 mins
As many sit ups in 60 seconds, stretching

Low Decline Bench Press - 3 x 3 or 3 x1 @ 90-95-100%
Close Grip Bench Press, Paused at Bottom 1 Second - 3 x 8
Lateral Raise - 4 x 12
Chest Supported Rows - 4 x 8
Bicep (E-z) Curl - 3 x 8

Thursday - Low,moderate cardio at 45 minutes

30 mins of cardio
Squats - 3 x 5 at 80-90-100%
Good-morning - 2 x 6 using 90-95%
Dumbell stiff legged deadlifts - 3 x 10
Hanging Leg Raises - 3 x 12

Saturday - HIIT cardio 10-12 minutes, 10 minutes jumping rope, hanging leg raises 4 x 10, walking lunges for 5 minutes

40 mins cardio
Bench Press - 3 x 5 at 80-90-100%
Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 8
Skull Crushers - 4 x 10
DB Row - 4 x 8
Upright Rows - 4 x 8

Monday - HIIT cardio 15 minutes, 30 minutes slow, moderate cardio

Tuesday - Rest Day

I change it up a lot to accommodate lagging parts.

Also when I wake up I stretch and do 50 sit ups and 50 push ups. It helps me wake up.
Wow thats pretty good. thanks for answering and now i see why youre so in shape lol very cool
I am trying to go the gym mon, tue wed, thur, fri. I do arms every day, and sometimes I do some abdominal work. I like to bench press every day because it is the one thing I really want to improve.

I do some leg machines depending on how I feel.

I also go onto the treadmill every day I am at the gym.

I need to get back into a proper routine though. I was away from the gym and I forgot how to set one up, but at least I'm going.
I workout 5 days a week and do cardio 5 days a week and stretching 6. I stretch while I am working out also, but I take 20 minutes just to stretch as well.

I make sure 3 times a week my cardio is running unless the temp drops below - 15.

I hit each bodypart once per week. Sometimes I do calves twice but I'm not eager to get them huge.
Yes it has.....

I remember when you first joined you were doing I think 110 lbs for reps and you're up to 170 lbs now

I was actually doing a bit more than that. I think maybe around 135 pounds. I have come a long way since then. I am also more muscular now than the picture shows. Not by a lot though. I stopped working out for awhile.
SWEET! Im glad you tried it, I was taught how to lift by a pro powerlifter. So i didnt touch a machine until a solid year in. I think if you develop muscles using the main lifts and learn HOW to feel your muscles and isolate them, it a lot better. My Schedule looks like this:

45 mins of cardio
Deadlift - 3 x 3 or 3 x 1 @ 80-90-100%, Following week Box Squat 3 x 3 @ 80-90-100%
Glute ham raise - 3 x 10
Abs, Weighted - 3 x 10
Static Holds (hang from chin up bar for grip) - 3 x 45 seconds

Tuesday - HIIT cardio 15 minutes, moderate cardio for 20 mins
As many sit ups in 60 seconds, stretching

Low Decline Bench Press - 3 x 3 or 3 x1 @ 90-95-100%
Close Grip Bench Press, Paused at Bottom 1 Second - 3 x 8
Lateral Raise - 4 x 12
Chest Supported Rows - 4 x 8
Bicep (E-z) Curl - 3 x 8

Thursday - Low,moderate cardio at 45 minutes

30 mins of cardio
Squats - 3 x 5 at 80-90-100%
Good-morning - 2 x 6 using 90-95%
Dumbell stiff legged deadlifts - 3 x 10
Hanging Leg Raises - 3 x 12

Saturday - HIIT cardio 10-12 minutes, 10 minutes jumping rope, hanging leg raises 4 x 10, walking lunges for 5 minutes

40 mins cardio
Bench Press - 3 x 5 at 80-90-100%
Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 8
Skull Crushers - 4 x 10
DB Row - 4 x 8
Upright Rows - 4 x 8

Monday - HIIT cardio 15 minutes, 30 minutes slow, moderate cardio

Tuesday - Rest Day

I change it up a lot to accommodate lagging parts.

Also when I wake up I stretch and do 50 sit ups and 50 push ups. It helps me wake up.

Blondie you do Cardio 6 X a week ?
Are you seeing gains with this routine ?
Seems like a lot.
Considering this was over a year ago, my training is not the same as it was.

But yes I did have gains and I still do cardio 6 or more times a week.
Considering this was over a year ago, my training is not the same as it was.

But yes I did have gains and I still do cardio 6 or more times a week.

Oh my bad ! I didn't see the date, I guess today is the day for bumping old threads, have seen a few 2 year old threads bumped..lol

I do it 4 times a week, I'm afraid if I do more cardio I'll loose too much weight, I've tried doing more & doesn't work well for me.