When does Winny kick in


New member
I searched and couldn't find so its time to ask.

Am in the last 5 weeks of my cycle, here is what I am finishing with
100 Prop/EOD
50mg Winny(Tabs)/ED

How long before the Winstrol (winny) kicks in IE) Tighter muslces, sore joints.

Diet is in check and I have added cardio 4 days/week for 30 min. Also started glucosimine awhile back for the joints.

Thanks guys,
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bigdawg1468 said:
I searched and couldn't find so its time to ask.

Am in the last 5 weeks of my cycle, here is what I am finishing with
100 Prop/EOD
50mg Winny(Tabs)/ED

How long before the Winstrol (winny) kicks in IE) Tighter muslces, sore joints.

Diet is in check and I have added cardio 4 days/week for 30 min. Also started glucosimine awhile back for the joints.

Thanks guys,
I think you mean 50 mg win ED (not 50 TABS).
Win kicks in in a few days: tigher muscles, sore joints and on me cramps. Don't use it with clen: I had cramps everywhere!
the injectable takes 8 to 12 hrs to enter the system, not sure about orals. I would think about 1 day.
It took me 3 weeks before I got sore joints.
you should feel it anyday, keep up the diet and water intake.
bigdawg1468 said:
I searched and couldn't find so its time to ask.

Am in the last 5 weeks of my cycle, here is what I am finishing with
100 Prop/EOD
50mg Winny(Tabs)/ED

How long before the Winstrol (winny) kicks in IE) Tighter muslces, sore joints.

Diet is in check and I have added cardio 4 days/week for 30 min. Also started glucosimine awhile back for the joints.

Thanks guys,

As an oral, it will begin to release (slowly) in about 3 hours but you won't see a full half-life release until between ~8-12 hours. Should see/feel effects in less than a week.
i just finished a Winstrol (winny) cycle...i put on like 6 pounds in the first week..(injectable)...sore joints didnt come in effect till about week 3 or 4..but even then it wasnt anything to unbarable...i got then usually at night when i was laying in bed...like in my knees..elbows never really bothered me to bad...it also seemed to give me shin splints..which might sound stupid but i never get shin splints at all...and i run a lot...might of just been the extra running i was doing on the tread mill instead of running out on a track though too...but i liked my cycle..i gained around 15 pounds on it which is a lot for just a Winstrol (winny) cycle...cant wait to see what TEST is gonna do to me...gl bro