Most steroid users want to see 1000 on trt, most docs probably would prefer the 600.
1100 feels good to me.
My TRT doc keeps me at 1150. That's 70mg a week for me. I'm very happy with my numbers. No hcg.
It depends who is treating you. My endo wouldn't go above 6-700. But the TRT clinic doc is very liberal.
Lol I got lucky and some how my TRT dose of 150 mg's a week gets me above 1500ng/dlbut I'm trying to stay around 1000ng/dl now to minimize any long term side effects. I'm happy with 1000ng/dl I feel like having it above that number would be asking for my doctor to lower my dosage. I also like to have a higher dosage than I need in case my regular doctor ever quits and I end up having to go to another doctor and they lower my dosage.
Lucky bastards!! I'm on 200mg/week and barely hit 1000ng/dl lol. I think my last panel showed 920ng/dl.
What do you guys weigh if you mind my asking?
My sentiments exactly! I have to be at 250mg/wk to break 1k myself. Color me jealous.
OP: 3J nailed it. Go by how you FEEL, chasing a number will just mess with your head as the two aren't necessarily linked. Besides, I've found that it's more about the estradiol than anything that gives me the "sense of well being" we're after. Too high/low just makes me Bleh - doesn't matter if my test is at 750ng/dL or 10,000ng/dL.
My .02c![]()
My TRT doc keeps me at 1150. That's 70mg a week for me. I'm very happy with my numbers. No hcg.
It depends who is treating you. My endo wouldn't go above 6-700. But the TRT clinic doc is very liberal.
I go by what makes me feel at my best and only look at the numbers after I have settled out there. I tell my doctor that I do not care about numbers, I care about quality of life. He recently let me up my dose to test and see if it makes me feel better. I told him if it did not, I would drop it back down...that I would never take more than what was needed to feel my best since that was a waste and could be harmful.
Wow.. this is with test C?... any HCG or arimidex?
I usually feel fantastic around 30-40pg/ml. So, the upper end.So you aim to have your E2 right in the middle for normal range?
I should clarify. This is 70mg of cyp 200 per week - .35 E3.5D.
Nope, no hcg. I take .5mg adex once a week.
I'm only 165 lbs so that may be why as well.