When other people do not understand what we are doing


Life hurts
8:00 AM

11:00 AM
chicken breast
brown rice


why we dieting so hard?

my family and friends just dont understand it,my dad calls me "pussy" because I spend all my time on the kitchen.

my friends wont contact me anymore,because every 3 hours I gonna eat my meals,I drink alot of water so every 10 mins I go to toilet.

I cant drink beers with guys,I cant go out with my family.


I really really want to give it up.

Do you guys have the similar experience?
Every motherfucking day bro! I could swear I was reading my own post. Until I got to the want to give it up part.
Here is the thing... from my point of view anyway

Pretty much everybody goes thru change frequently, that's a fact. Now, while you are in the process of changing some people might not understand (or like) your "new ways". That's ok.

We are all different, some people like meat, some don't. And that's not an excuse for you to hate on someone because they choose a different way. If your friends don't like the way you eat or how often you take a piss. Well, I guess someone needs to find real friends, perhaps someone that does not require to be a "detached Siamese twin" that has to do what the other does at the same time

People don't have to understand you, they don't know whats going through you head all the time. To me, asking other to understand me is never been something i require. I prefer for them to respect me and my ways.

If you like what you are doing and have a reason to do it, fuck what others think.
If you are not you, you are nobody.

Good luck and blessed be
It gets better as you get older. I'm old enough now that my friends and family are now asking me for advice and what I do to look the way I do.

The only other thing I can offer is that to stick with this over the long haul, you have to find a way to recognize that you don't have to be 100% on point with your diet every single day for every single meal. I've seen a few guys accomplish this type of eating for years in a row, but they aren't the type of guys that worry about what other people think about their lifestyle choice. For the rest of us, take the time to have beer with the fellas, relax a little bit about meal timing, eat the doughnut you've been craving. Just always stay focused on your body composition goal. Diet digressions, if kept to a minimum, don't hurt progress significantly over the long haul. You have to find a way you can live long term with your food choices or you'll just end up burning out and joining the cyclic dieting rollercoaster the rest of America is on.
Well why are you dieting so hard? I know why I am. I have my goals, and nothing will stand in their way. People may not understand your lifestyle, but who cares? Why do you care so much about what other people think? Live your own life.
the reason that I care about what other people think about me is I am still single,yeah,I think it is the main reason I can not focus.

Many people here are already married,so you have wife,kids...

ok,I find my problem...
Listen gentleman, its called the adonis complex . Ur all chasing this physique that really isnt attainable unless u use AAS or PH or both and stay on them all year round . Its developed by this bombarment of advertisment and social media. You all also think women percieve this as attractive sure some do alot also find it repulsive. Women like muscles just no were near the muscularture u guys think u need to have . Go out live a little u can still have an outrageous physique .
i suffer from adonis aswell, I WOULDNT call it suffer tho i except my life the way it is . i also no that if i want to have a cheat meal or go out with some mates and get smashed i can .
Wouldn't surprise me that the reason they are giving you a hard time is just their way to keep you from outshining them. You are starting to change/improve and rise above their averageness (or below averageness), and they might inwardly feel threatened. THEIR solution is to make you NOT WANT TO BE different/better. TRUE friends (hard to come by) would be supportive and encouraging you. Fuck 'em. (armchair psychiatrist mode - off)
I know this ALL TOO WELL. Ever since I have been on my 3J diet I have heard so much shit talking its crazy. People say the same shit " why are you eating like that, whats wrong with you". I catch a lot of hell also because in my position at work I have to take clients to lunch at least a couple times a week and for the most part these guys have no clue about dieting so talk about awkward because I just let them order and then all I get is a water. I also have to listen to them tell me how bad I look because they say im looking all skinny and I need to eat a burger. I just have to take it and smile because I know if I pulled my shirt off they wouldnt be saying that shit, for the most part I just think its jealous people with no will power and pot bellies.
So much truth in this thread.

Think about all of the "food centric" engagements most of us are forced to manage thanks once again to marketing and culture. Business lunches / dinners. Family gatherings at restaurants / bbqs / etc. Beer with the boys. If anything, I'd say the very people whom are questioning you are the ones who are being manipulated. Is it not possible to build business rapport in any other way than consuming copious amounts of carbs, saturated fat and alcohol? How about celebrating family in some way other than visiting a chain restaurant and wreaking havoc on our bodies?

The BB lifestyle is about eating for function, not for pleasure (at least not often) and DEFINITELY not for societal norm. Those out of the lifestyle likely have not given much if any thought to their eating habits, why they eat the way they do. It's an "accidental diet" they follow, one driven by convenience and pleasure. As an earlier poster suggested, their outlooks will change as they age, when their blood pressure soars, their backs and joints begin to rebel against the extra 50Lbs they've accumulated at their waistlines and in general their self-confidence suffers as they realize slowly what they've done over the years. Some will "see the light" and adopt a long-term healthier life style, most will "yo-yo" back and forth for the balance of their lives (see Winfrey, Oprah :) ) due to lack of discipline and lack of true commitment to the cause.

Nutshell, ignore the haters. Do this for yourself and no one else.


- Savage
Bro in the beginning it is the hardest because you are dieting and training for that athletic and muscular look. It takes years but once you hit it no one will bug you, but instead they will ask you what you did. Then you can tell them that you dieted hard, ate big andlifted 5 days a week, and they just have to do the same thing for the next 5 year or more to look like you. Ha!
Bro in the beginning it is the hardest because you are dieting and training for that athletic and muscular look. It takes years but once you hit it no one will bug you, but instead they will ask you what you did. Then you can tell them that you dieted hard, ate big andlifted 5 days a week, and they just have to do the same thing for the next 5 year or more to look like you. Ha!

My family always says, whats wrong with whats on the table, family parties etc.. Friends go out to bars and eat like shit and make fun of me "Its just 1 beer bla bla bla" till gym the next day when I'm lifting 2x what their doing. That and all the girls usually give way more attention to the guys that are in shape than the ones that are not. There are so many more perks to this lifestyle than negatives. Just keep going with it
I just tell them I enjoy pussy more than they do, and I enjoy not feeling like a piece of shit. Then you can proceed to give them shit for conforming to the FAT ASS AMERICAN lifestyle. But like many have said, go out and enjoy yourself every once and a while (Unless you really arent about that). I bust my ass all fall/winter/spring, to drink like a fish all summer, and enjoy a crappy meal more often than I usually would during my training season.

Keep your head high, and be proud bro!