When to start clen after testoviron cycle? ++ good link with pics


New member
When shall i start the clen after a stack of deca and testeviron (8weeks)

Im planning 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

So.... how long should i run it for and times on when to start etc to get the best results.

Any help would be great.

Also i found this very useful for newbies www.spotinjections.com
When shall i start the clen after a stack of deca and testeviron (8weeks)

Im planning 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

So.... how long should i run it for and times on when to start etc to get the best results.

Any help would be great.

Also i found this very useful for newbies www.spotinjections.com[/QUOTE]

Ok first off thanks for the spot injection link but the only thing is it's been around forever. I just posted it for a new guy A while back ass well. But good looking out any way...

Now your cycle I thing you should put up your stats and experience and everthing about your lifting/cycle/Diet/age/BF/ and what ever else the guys would need to give you proper addvice.

Post your stats OK.
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age 24, weight 106kg/233 pound, body fat 15%

current cyle
testeviron 500mg / deca 200 mg per week / dianabol 40mg per day

training 3 times per week heavy weights,

sorry for the minimal input but im wacked at the minute
If you are welling to run the clen as post cycle therapy (pct) then you are doing it wrong... regular clomid/nolva is whats needed.. throwing the clen in would help a bit more since it is anti catabolic.
When shall i start the clen after a stack of deca and testeviron (8weeks)

Im planning 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

So.... how long should i run it for and times on when to start etc to get the best results.

Any help would be great.

Also i found this very useful for newbies www.spotinjections.com

I took clen one time it made my hands trembel and my hart a bit racey at times. And If I am remembering right I think it kinda made me a bit hot as well..
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im planning on finishing this cycle, but i want to cut as soon after as possible, can any of you give any idea on what would be best for cutting, i wanna get down to 11% bf but try and keep as much of my weight as possible, i dont want to waste any muscle.

i dont want to use clen a post cycle therapy (pct), im using tamoxifen during this cycle.