where are all of the MMA fans at?

Thus forum is pretty dead. Any MMA fans/practitioners out there? Back in 2001-2003 I was a Marine Corps Martial Arts Instructor. Always been a fan of the UFC. I got into an MMA gym last year.

After about 6 months I decided to enter a bjj tournament. 2 weeks before the tournament I sprained my lcl pretty bad, but I bought an air brace for my knee and enter the tournament anyway. I'm 38 yrs old and I entered the no gi Novice division for heavy weights. There were 6 competitors. I won my 1st match in 56 seconds by arm triangle and the 2nd match was also won by arm triangle. I ended up winning the Gold medal in my 1st tournament with a bummed knee.

I entered my 2nd tournament in June. My knee still wasn't 100%, but I figured I would never truly be 100%, so F-it. Well I won my 1st match and lost the 2nd. I won the 3rd and lost the 4th and ended up with Silver, but it was costly. In the last match I was completely exhausted and ended up su staining a high ankle sprain in that match.

I have since stopped the MMA, so I can try to get healthy.

Anyway, I'm surprised more people don't post in this forum.
i have medaled 8 times in my jiu jitsu career... 4 of which were first place.. 3 second place.. and one third place

but i do gi sport jiu jitsu for the most part
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i have medaled 8 times in my jiu jitsu career... 4 of which were first place.. 3 second place.. and one third place

but i do gi sport jiu jitsu for the most part

Nice! My 2nd tournament was gi. Both of my boys have been doing MMA for almost 2 years. They have a few medals too. It has really boosted their individual confidence.

I was training for my first cage fight, but couldn' t stay in the gym with injuries piling up. I'm getting up there in age and I think that window is just about closed haha.

I'm waiting for someone to knock the shit out of John Jones. That dude really erks me.
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I would've loved to tried mma or boxing at one point but half the front of my grill is fake and drilled in from a vehicle accident years ago, 89 year old woman went through the median and hit me head on. I was told if they were knocked out I'd be left wearing dentures...so i decided to keep the teeth safe and away from trained fighters.