where is my miracle drug?


New member
you fellas seem to know ur stuff very very well. what im trying to do is to just get lean and stay muscular using the least amount of gear that i can. i dont really care about being supremely huge anymore, im 36 and just want to look and feel good. i suppose im looking for a "miracle drug". As of yet i havent found it. Any suggestions?
well you won't find a miracle drug bro........no matter what your going to have to bust your ass to look good......all the drugs do is help you in your goals....
i hear ya big j, im willin to do that,,, just looks like its gonna take more than that to accomplish it. Its just that there is such a plethora of gear out there, its hard to pick the right one or ones for my situation.
well if you have never done any gear a basic testosterone cycle for startes will do the trick......

Basically pick anyone of the longer acting esters of gear....like enanthate, cypionate, sustanon, and the such......and run an 8 week cycle at either 250mg a week or 500mg a week depending on you weight.....

under 220 I say 250mg for a first cycle and over use 500mg ......

but the first step is read up on each of the longer acting testosterone esters and pick one.......
I think what you are looking for starts with a 'T' and ends in 'est'. Test, it does a body good, especially if that body is older than 30.
The most important thing is your diet & eating the correct foods! Once you establish this and bust your ass in the gym and get proper rest, then you can focus on adding something to enhance your body. You can take all the "juice" you want, if you are not committed to the top three you might as well save your money. I hate to tell you there is no miracle drug, even though someone is on AAS, they still have to work hard and earn every bit of what they have achieved!
Hey, i appreciate all ur responses, i think buff dawg is on the mark though,,,, i was really skinny outta high school, about 175lbs, now im 270, worked my ass off to get big and achieved it. now im gettin older and it is a helluvalot harder to keep the fat off. its like a whole new game to me now.
I am pretty knowledgeable about the what , when , and how much to take to get massive, its just this cutting plus staying large is what is blowing my mind.
thunderson411 said:
Hey, i appreciate all ur responses, i think buff dawg is on the mark though,,,, i was really skinny outta high school, about 175lbs, now im 270, worked my ass off to get big and achieved it. now im gettin older and it is a helluvalot harder to keep the fat off. its like a whole new game to me now.

How tall are you anyways ? bf% ?
Last summer i was 280, a lot less fat , 19.5 in arms. but i was really juicin hard,, like 900mgs of deca a wk. and 1 or 2 adrols a day. i felt great, but i know i cant keep doin that shit as i get older. u know.
if you can afford it, invest in some hgh. light test and gh will work wondrs to reshape your physique. just look at iron master. hgh will lean you out and help you keep mass, not to mention the anti aging benefits.
if your looking at doin a cutting cycle try tren prop Winstrol (winny) gh. but dont stop the gh. that way you can add a little lbm while shedding some fat, then keep taking gh post cycle, as long as you can afford, and you should keep your gains and stay lean
that is about what i was thinking ,,, just didnt want to go to the gh this early man. but that is a very good looking cycle,..
im positive mine did man,,, i felt it like a year or two ago,,, just felt like i was gettin old and stuff. wasnt psycological either, just didnt have my normal get up and go about anything, u know.
you are at a good age to start. shit im still tryin to find a reason for me not to use it yet and im only 20. a lot of experienced gh users have told me is that there only regrets where that they didnt start using it earlier. some said if they could start all over theyd run gh in every cycle.
with the prices on gh goin down especialy on jintropin and availability increasing its getting harder and harder not to just stock up. when you think about it its cheeper per day than some spend on a single meal ed.