Which creatine on cycle monohydrate vs ethyl ester?


Beast in training
Which do you prefer and why? Which in your opinions/facts has better results? I personally have been used to monohydrate, but a few months ago I read something saying ethyl ester which I wasnt firmiliar with at the the time was supposed to be superior in many ways so bought a few pounds and have felt pretty good. unfortunately I started on my pct of my last cycle so I couldnt put needtogetaas post "Creatine+steroids" to the test, but will soon.
CEE is the only one that has ever done shit for me, and it works great. I tried many shuttling methods with monohydrate and they just didn't work for me, and I hardly need any more insulin spiking...

CEE all the way for me, buy it in bulk.
Anabolic enhancement stack

check out the sick steroid enhancement stack I put together bro's. 15g of creatine a day for 3 whole months. Wrapped up in 3 of the most powerful creatine delivery products in the industry. For under 99.00 when you use the 15% off needto139 discount code. Don't forget we also ship this stack 2-3 day priority mail for free on every order in the USA and for only 20.00 priority shipping world wide.
CEE is the better choice! Now, for anyone taking Creatine (M or E), look into ALA (better known as R-ALA) shit works amazing! I'll post a thread on it wit more knowledge for u guys.