Which do you prefer Chalk or straps?


New member
I've been using chalk for the past few months now because I have tiny forearms and the stuff is great but I do feel that my back/trap development is being a little hindered without my good ol' straps

What do you guys prefer?
Work your forearms separately after your back workout...
And as long as you are doing different type of bicep workouts with different grips and angles then your forearms should be.fine.
Chalk. Build up that weak link to work with you and you'll have better results imo. Granted, if you're deadlifting 700lbs plus, I can see the need after a few sets, but for the Average Joe I can't see it being necessary to wear straps.
If one truly deadlifts 700lbs they won't be doing much volume with or without straps lol. That's where rack pulls and high pulls come in and like you I'd still use chalk over straps unless you have extremely small hands or use a fat bar.
I would use straps for back to get a better workout but for everything else, deadlifts included, I would stray away from them personally; or at least go without them until the grip fails. Big meaty forearms looks manly too :p
I use straps but only on deadlifts and bent rows for the heavier sets when my grip will fail before the larger muscles get taxed. I like to use chalk to keep my hands and bar dry though.
Use the straps and get a proper workout for your back. As posted already, work forearms separate.
iRecommend investing in a pair of C.O.C hand grippers....my left hand always gave out 1st during deadlifts but since i've been using them my grips gotten alot stronger
If your grip is holding you back on the muscle that you are trying to work, then just use straps. No sense halting the progression of your entire posterior chain for such a small muscle group which can be worked separately anyway.
But if it's just "difficult" rather than the limiting factor, I will stick to chalk in order to get a bit extra work in.