Which LEGAL supps are a MUST when on a cycle??


New member
What LEGAL supps are a MUST for a cycle? Which ones make that much of a difference to take your cycle a step further?

Please try to list in order of importance to you:

Multi Vitamin
Protein Shakes
Flaxseed Qil
Ginger Root
Extra Vit-C
Extra Vit-E
Extra Vit-B
liver protectant(which one is prefered?)

I have an idea but i am going shopping tonight so i want to make sure i don't miss anything thanks.

*I did a search and came up with not much, so if anyone can point me to a thread that had this info or something like it i would appreciate it. Thank you.

Protein powders, multi vitamins, anti-oxidants. I don't think any are absolutely necessary, except protein powder (unless you can eat 300+ grams of meat protein a day) :chomp:
milk thistle
Protein Powder

oh one more, FOOD!!
ur shortchanging ur self if u dont spend the money on lots of high quality food, u should spend more cash on food during ur cycle than on the Drugs IMO. Its easy for me, i spend damn near 100 bucks every week on food, and no cycle of mine has even neared $1200
The Terminator said:
Protein powders, multi vitamins, anti-oxidants. I don't think any are absolutely necessary, except protein powder (unless you can eat 300+ grams of meat protein a day) :chomp:

What anit-oxidant do you prefer?

And why not ALA? i have heard alot of good things about it.

ALA is good, but not cheap, and not absolutley necessary. It's a great antioxidant though, as is Vit. A, C, and E. When using any orals I think it is more important to use antioxidants, not that they don't have their place in other cycles, they do.I just don't feel the are absolutely necesary.
I personally dont see the need for purchasing extra antioxidants. Between a good multi and 1 shake per day you get more than enough.
Thanks guys, you are being much help

Does anyone else have any input on these thing?

BTW, very curious why no flaxseed oil? i thought it was a very popular supp? I have used it before and thought i really did help.

M56M said:
BTW, very curious why no flaxseed oil? i thought it was a very popular supp? I have used it before and thought i really did help.


I think it is because of the way you worded your original question, you stated "What LEGAL supps are a MUST for a cycle?"

Not too many supps are considered mandatory.
PW shake
creatine/dextrose gatoraid like drink during workout
protien shake
omega 3,6 (olive oil for me)
ginger root
iced said:
milk thistle
Protein Powder

oh one more, FOOD!!
ur shortchanging ur self if u dont spend the money on lots of high quality food, u should spend more cash on food during ur cycle than on the Drugs IMO. Its easy for me, i spend damn near 100 bucks every week on food, and no cycle of mine has even neared $1200
Thanks guys you are making my decision alot easier.


Well i mean basically what supplements help you get that little extra edge in a cycle, as oppose to someone who just juiced and ate protein.


TechChemY said:
Fiber is very important.
not mandatory, but it is for me while on fina, fina for some reaosn seems to "stop me up" I have no idea why, but never fail, first few days, i get more of a workout on the crapper than at the gym:rolleyes:
Protein, multi, vit c, vit e. Thats all i take when on, unless maybe some ala if taking orals, but i take them very cautiously so I am really not worried about the ole liver.
for men, instead of flax, use salmon oil or another cold water fish to optain your EFA's. i posted about this in the supplement section
iced said:
not mandatory, but it is for me while on fina, fina for some reaosn seems to "stop me up" I have no idea why, but never fail, first few days, i get more of a workout on the crapper than at the gym:rolleyes:

Tren affects T3 levels quite a bit. That can make you constipated...