Who does squats after having cervical disk surgery?


New member
I had c6 fused to c7 back in 2000. Shortly after i began rehab and then weight training again.

Squats kind of scared me at first so i went light for the longest time. I have worked my way back to where i was before surgery and can now go heavy again without pain.

Any of you have probs doing squats or any other exercises after that surgery?
I've never had the surgery so I can't comment on your question but I am interested to hear the mode of injury because it is not too common for C6/C7 problems. Good to hear you are back to squats though :thumb:.
Just make shure and keep the squat load below the c-7. That will keep the injured area out of the question.
I keep the bar off it. I ran into a wall head first running full speed playing indoor soccer. When I woke up my neck was screwed and my left arm hurt.
MotownMuscle said:
I still do squats, and I have 3 ruptured disks and a shaved vertibra around my sciatic nerve on my right side

Holy crap bro. My sciatic is near shot and squats aggrevate like no other, but still do 'em form time to time. No surgeries though...