Who here is doing DC training/cycling?

posednik said:
Can you elaborate on how the cruise would be done? Say someone living in Mexico began following an 8 week blast 3 week cruise protocol and uses no test during the cruise.
Would Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) be used everyday during the cruise?

Something like
HCG 500iu ed
Clomid 100mg ed
Adex .5mg ed
All for the entire 3 weeks?

Well, he's saying the blast/cruise thing will have to be tailored to your individual needs/wants. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should never be run everyday for weeks on end, and imo shouldn't be run everyday at all. And for 'cruise', think very short bridge, like 10mg/dbol for 2 weeks.
People like to throw labels on my methods or else it doesnt make sense to them. Its not HIT or any other initialized system its just one guys (mine) thoughts on what he thinks will work best--the only similarity at all with Mentzer and I is we both like low volume of work--and thats it--everything else is almost direct opposite of his beliefs

It's not that it won't make sense to them, it's just a very efficient way to pass along a basic idea to somebody by comparing you to somebody they probably know. Like if you hear some new music group on the radio, odds are you might say they are one of the basic music groups like country, punk, pop, blues, etc., and then you might add a couple of groups they sound similar to to clarify a bit more. It doesn't tell the person the whole story, but it does give them the basic idea.

I see nothing wrong with comparing your style to other styles and I don't understand why you would take offense at it, either. Imo, it's self explanatory that your workout style is different than hit or mentzer, because if it wasn't, why would other people call it 'dc style'? The labels just give somebody not familiar with it some kind of basic idea.

And I'm sure the guy who mentioned mentzer was doing the same thing, he by no means implied you were into recreational drugs or anything.
TxLonghorn said:
Well, he's saying the blast/cruise thing will have to be tailored to your individual needs/wants. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should never be run everyday for weeks on end, and imo shouldn't be run everyday at all. And for 'cruise', think very short bridge, like 10mg/dbol for 2 weeks.

I will say this is my take on it and obviously differs a bit from dc. But if you refuse to use test for whatever reason, there are always ways around it.

The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is also my take, I think you can easily desensitize your body to hcg, and everyday usage for 2-3 weeks would make this easier. There are tons of varying ideas though on hcg.

(Just didn't want dc to think I was putting words into his mouth)
.... I disregarded him(Mentzer) totally when he went from doing forced reps upon negatives upon partials upon every known set continuation technique there was in his early years like an obsessive compulsive....

Mike never recomended to do all those things at once, those were ways to increase intensity and lower volume...

Why don't you like being compared to Mentzer, you seem to be awfull defensive when compared to him. And thats a pretty low blow to make issue out of his mental illness and substance abuse problems. They have nothing to do with training.
Golgo::Mike never recomended to do all those things at once, those were ways to increase intensity and lower volume...

DC::I scanned thru his early book and I seem to remember he was doing failure plus forced reps plus negatives plus partials all during his one set

Golgo::Why don't you like being compared to Mentzer, you seem to be awfull defensive when compared to him.

DC:: Because everyone labels my methods HIT and honestly almost everyone is doing a form of high intensity training no matter how they lift and how many sets they do---its how someone interprets HIT. I dont like being compared to Mentzer because I ardently disagree with him on frequency of bodypart trained and his paranoid thinking that everyone is going to overtrain. I also disagree 100% on his eating recommendations among other things so Id rather not be lumped in with someones system (Mentzer's) that I dont agree with. Would you?

Golgo::And thats a pretty low blow to make issue out of his mental illness and substance abuse problems. They have nothing to do with training.

DC::if it came out that I was making issue of it, poking fun at it in any way I didnt mean it too. But I will state that I look at Mike Mentzer like I look at Daryl Strawberry who took incredible talent and threw it down the toilet. Mike had a deep thinking thought provoking brain and had alot of people who looked up to him and followed him. So what does he do with it? He hops himself full of painkillers and rec drugs and destroys himself. No i dont respect that at all. I respect that handicapped guy in the wheelchair crossing the street that is making the most out of his life with what limitations he has been given, not the guy who has everything going for him and decides to fuck it all up by popping pills to crazyland
eastsideking said:
well i kinda just started but i will let you know how i gain. so far so good as far as strength though

I've been on tons of boards and doggcrapp training is well liked and respected on every board I've been to.

I think it's amazing he's able to take some of these guys who have been stuck at various weights and strength levels for years and get them to break through their plateaus.

He also seems to take a holistic approach. In other words, don't come back to him and tell him his program didn't work if you didn't follow all of it, especially the diet aspect of it.
DC you opened a can of worms coming over here, but i am glad you did. it was about time!!

well fellas- one of your MODS just started working with DC on july 12th. that would be me!! i have been training for 10 years, and needed something different to get were i wanted to be. i will update you on my progress every once in a while. also will try to answer questions as best as i can. i will NOT discuss doseages, or lengths, and diet questions.
sonis9 said:
DC you opened a can of worms coming over here, but i am glad you did. it was about time!!

well fellas- one of your MODS just started working with DC on july 12th. that would be me!! i have been training for 10 years, and needed something different to get were i wanted to be. i will update you on my progress every once in a while. also will try to answer questions as best as i can. i will NOT discuss doseages, or lengths, and diet questions.

I think that's great. The more people doing effective routines, the better, imo. I hope the both of you post regularly and answer questions our guys might have regarding all aspects of the routine.
.... Id rather not be lumped in with someones system (Mentzer's) that I dont agree with. Would you?


No I don't mind being lumped in with Mentzer. I think the guy did more for the advancment of fitness than any other 3 people in history.

I have derived a version of Mike's training that only uses static contractions, and it works well, as his other theories have done for me in the past, but this newest version that I am working on has given me awesome results.

One of the problems you are running into when looking at Mike's work is the fact that he wasn't the best writer. His latest book which was co-authored by John Little is much better.