who's really a homo ?....

I guarantee the guy who wrote that shit is 6ft 120lbs on a good day and the only girlfriend he ever had cheated on his ass with a big dude. He couldnt do shit about it but write that article and cry himself to sleep every night. Sure personality means alot but im sure alot of you jacked guys get plenty attention from the so called girls that think big guys are gross. My cousin is a big dude and is currently fucking 3 girls that have scrawny ass boyfriends.
It gets pretty crazy surprised you havent heard about it... and yes it is stupid.

Religious fanatics against body building bro'

Right here:

Anabolic Outlaw: Ex-Steroid Dealer Tells All!

YouTube - Bodybuilder Issues Death Threat To Christian Ministry Leader

YouTube - MuscleMissions's Channel

Its nuts
YouTube - MuscleMissions's Channel

I have come across these people before. As a christian I would like to say that I find these videos offensive. This guy really is a fanatic and does not speak for all of us. Who is he to judge us: "Judge not lest ye be judged. Matt. 7:1"
You must be. Its "more dumb", not dumber, thats just dumb...

Sorry bro, I had to.

dumb (dŭm)
adj. dumb·er, dumb·est
a.Lacking the power of speech. Used of animals and inanimate objects.

b.Often Offensive Incapable of using speech; mute. Used of humans.

my degree is in pre-med/biochemistry so I am no expert in articulation, but I'll certainly take the dictionarys word over the unemployed guy surfing 'ology.

Sorry bro, I had to.
Religion is Over Rated, I know Jesus walked on water, but alot of these religious fanatics like to do a little walking too!!!!!!!!
Ya walking to the bank in the name of SAalvation, by instilling fear in young , weak and old ppl.....Like they say the catholic church aint just a church its a corporation, billions of dollars a year given to Jesus right ? wrong..........
who ever wrote that article probably have used steroids himself too but when he didnt get any results he started to make bodybuilders who are serious look bad. Hes probably a fag who used steroids for playing tennis
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This thread will probably be in "The World News" once we get done!!
QUOTE=Biggin;2149120]This thread will probably be in "The World News" once we get done!![/QUOTE]

Hell ya......:laugh:
:flipoff:em if they cant take a joke