Why do people say their nuts on steroids are like raisins?

Mine just lost weigh (literally feel emptier) but other than that, ive kept most of my size :s

That's kinda how I feel also, but mine happened in like the first two weeks both cycles.
I'm prolly gonna do the hcg thing next run to see if that helps.
I'm about 5 months into testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and my nuts are more like Chocolate covered raisinettes hahaha
But definitely smaller
I'm about 5 months into testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and my nuts are more like Chocolate covered raisinettes hahaha
But definitely smaller

Chocolate covered raisinettes are delicious....wait a minute......???...did I just :gay2::gay:
The less nuts you bust during cycle the less likely they shrink.

Not sure where you get that logic... I'm snipped and had that very line of questioning. Busting your nut seems to have very little to do with overall size considering the majority of your ejaculate comes from the prostate. I couldn't blow a single soldier from them if I'd tried and they stayed the same size before testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). And I travel for a living, I go cold turkey while I'm gone!
Not sure where you get that logic... I'm snipped and had that very line of questioning. Busting your nut seems to have very little to do with overall size considering the majority of your ejaculate comes from the prostate. I couldn't blow a single soldier from them if I'd tried and they stayed the same size before testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). And I travel for a living, I go cold turkey while I'm gone!

That was a little satire as men's testicle tend to shrink before ejaculation.
There out of the way of everything. Now that my shits back, there all up in my way annoying me in shit.
Almost four years of being on exogenous testosterone and they're still a good 2/3 the size they used to. They do get sucked up close to the body, which I think makes a lot of guys freak out. I personally could care less as it's not the size of our nuts we're judged by. ;)
my wife calls me pee balls..........I never had big ones to begin with, and after this well....pee balls.....:)..Everythng else checks out wonderfully...
That's what I always told people LOL

Make you look like you're rockin' a Ron Jeremey.
Shit, I need to make mine much smaller then. Maybe if I'm sporting chick peas for testes I'll have the illusion of sporting a baseball bat? Probably not. :( Makes me wonder how many kids have tried synthol into the giggle-stick after seeing what it does to the tards on youtube. Hmmmmm. :wiggle: