Why does everyone recommend lower than 15% bf?


Pale Gorilla
I understand that it can create estrogen related problems, but not every person wants to look like a BB. High BP can also be a problem, but I have only tested at 128/77 at the highest. I only pose this question because at around 18-20% BF I am having an excellent cycle. My lifts have increased all around and everyone is noticing the visual changes. I have lifted for years and always been at this same body fat percentage. I have no interest in looking lean, and my main goals are to gain strength and size. I have had my bench jump from 315x5 to 355x5 in only 6 weeks of using test e at 600 mg wk. My squat has increased by about 30 pounds also. I understand that some of the guys here are looking for a shortcut to lose fat and gain muscle without working out, but if that is not the case then I think advising them not to cycle because of body fat is foolish. Given these recent strength gains I may pursue powerlifting at some point down the road. I only touch on this topic because I have been told that it is harmful to cycle at over 15% but I call bullshit on that and believe that this advice should be given on a case by case basis.
ur building strenght but its all fat since ur over 15%

Um ok, but I am pretty sure you are wrong. What you are saying is not even bro science it is just lack of understanding. So AAS can't build lean mass at over 15% BF?!? Not sure if you are serious lol
This is basically a noob forum. Nobody really gets into crazy stuff on here because anybody can see it. It's like taking classes at driving school. 10 and 2, come to a complete stop. There is some very knowledgable people here but they don't get into their crazy cycles. Diet and safe use of gear is the main point stressed on the threads. Too many noobs that don't know shit try to think they can blow the fuck up in 4-6 weeks with dbol or some shit. The focus here is health and longevity.
This is basically a noob forum. Nobody really gets into crazy stuff on here because anybody can see it. It's like taking classes at driving school. 10 and 2, come to a complete stop. There is some very knowledgable people here but they don't get into their crazy cycles. Diet and safe use of gear is the main point stressed on the threads. Too many noobs that don't know shit try to think they can blow the fuck up in 4-6 weeks with dbol or some shit. The focus here is health and longevity.

See this is a good explanation. I see young kid's like 18 and 20 posting and they are not ready for AAS. I was just trying to understand why I was shot down before given my experience and goals, but I can see how telling people that they can start at higher bf could cause problems if the wrong people apply that information to themselves.
It's nothing personal. Anybody and everybody can view anything on here. That's why the site rules are the way they are. Somebody just started a thread about looking for a source. If it was that easy kids would be on gear. Atleast more of em.
Ask megatron or something itl convert to estrogen to ur man tits

just because test converts to estrogen more with a higher bodyfat doesn't mean you'll gain all fat and no muscle.. come on man.. lol

we tell people at a higher bodyfat to stay away from gear because 1. they are obviously not dedicated enough to do it since they couldn't stay in shape without it and 2. higher bodyfat means higher chances of sides due to high estrogen

but to say that being over 15% will def give you man boobs and all fat is far far from the truth
the man himself 3j said ur not dedicated man what else do u want lol?

Lol, that was a general statement. Not everyone wants a lean physique - if you read OP's first post you'll see he wants to go in to power lifting. Cutting down to sub 15% would be counter productive to his goals. Provided he manages his e2 properly he shouldn't have much issue.
is freydooni the same guy who said he was and then wasn't on a tren/test cycle? lol that was speaking farsi with 3j?