Pale Gorilla
I understand that it can create estrogen related problems, but not every person wants to look like a BB. High BP can also be a problem, but I have only tested at 128/77 at the highest. I only pose this question because at around 18-20% BF I am having an excellent cycle. My lifts have increased all around and everyone is noticing the visual changes. I have lifted for years and always been at this same body fat percentage. I have no interest in looking lean, and my main goals are to gain strength and size. I have had my bench jump from 315x5 to 355x5 in only 6 weeks of using test e at 600 mg wk. My squat has increased by about 30 pounds also. I understand that some of the guys here are looking for a shortcut to lose fat and gain muscle without working out, but if that is not the case then I think advising them not to cycle because of body fat is foolish. Given these recent strength gains I may pursue powerlifting at some point down the road. I only touch on this topic because I have been told that it is harmful to cycle at over 15% but I call bullshit on that and believe that this advice should be given on a case by case basis.