Why food? here's why...


On Vacation
just thought i would post this cause I've been asked for a few pics. I put this comparison shot together so you could see how important food is moreso than drugs. Yes, even burger king.

1996 to 2006 (the pic is backwards i know). 175lbs to 245lbs. And the BF% ain't that different.

3 cycles (from 2003 to 2006, natty from 1996 to 2003). two test only and one test/deca.

Food boys and girls. Food. Food and time.
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RJ, did you pretty much stay lean over those 10 years, or did you ever get overweight (or even lose the abs due to belly fat) while bulking up and packing on the pounds?
edit: also if you don't mid how old were you in the pics? Did you ever get to a certain age where you felt like the muscle and weight came easier?
RJ, did you pretty much stay lean over those 10 years, or did you ever get overweight (or even lose the abs due to belly fat) while bulking up and packing on the pounds?
edit: also if you don't mid how old were you in the pics? Did you ever get to a certain age where you felt like the muscle and weight came easier?

my BF may have fluctuated a point or two, but never overweight.

I was 21 in the first pic, 31 in the second. And no, never felt like it was easier (well, except when i started juicing. lol)
NIce showing, dude - so caloriewise i assume you comsume a surplus - how much +1000 cals/day? more? What do you estimate you consumed at 21 175 vs 31 245? you still growing?
NIce showing, dude - so caloriewise i assume you comsume a surplus - how much +1000 cals/day? more? What do you estimate you consumed at 21 175 vs 31 245? you still growing?

never count calories. so i couldn't tell ya. i know i consumed alot more at the bigger weight. lol

As for still growing, nah. more just fine tuning now.
you on cycle in the most recent pic and carrying some water? what size is the waist?

yes, and a little. i never carried much water unless i was eating crappy or not drinking enough.

My waist is usually around 36. as you can see in both pics, I'm wide waisted. But my theory is as long as your shoulders are at least 15-20" bigger around then your waist... you're doing alright. :D
yes, and a little. i never carried much water unless i was eating crappy or not drinking enough.

My waist is usually around 36. as you can see in both pics, I'm wide waisted. But my theory is as long as your shoulders are at least 15-20" bigger around then your waist... you're doing alright. :D

I like your point eat to grow but eat clean and drink lots of water,.two thumbs up for ya:flipoffha + green rep
yes, and a little. i never carried much water unless i was eating crappy or not drinking enough.

My waist is usually around 36. as you can see in both pics, I'm wide waisted. But my theory is as long as your shoulders are at least 15-20" bigger around then your waist... you're doing alright. :D

yea i noticed your waist is fairly wide, but your shoulders are big enough to give you a good taper anyway.
3 cycles (from 2003 to 2006, natty from 1996 to 2003). two test only and one test/deca.

Food boys and girls. Food. Food and time.

Bro you didn't get the memo? You're not supposed to wait 7 years to start using gear. And you're too damn heavy...gear is only for the 150 pounders in their first year of lifting. Wait a minute...you ran test with your deca?! Dude...


haha, just playing with you RJ. Your advice is always on the money, food and time will do the trick. New guys, myself included, should make a point to listen to the voice of experience here and follow in your footsteps.

Thanks for the thread, very inspiring.
yo RJ... check out the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section... there's a nice suprise in there for u
just thought i would post this cause I've been asked for a few pics. I put this comparison shot together so you could see how important food is moreso than drugs. Yes, even burger king.

1996 to 2006 (the pic is backwards i know). 175lbs to 245lbs. And the BF% ain't that different.

3 cycles (from 2003 to 2006, natty from 1996 to 2003). two test only and one test/deca.

Food boys and girls. Food. Food and time.

Thats pretty good beef. You put some time into that project.

The pic on the right:....I think I dated her in College. The evening is a bit hazy but I remember she was a good kisser.:wiggle:
Thats pretty good beef. You put some time into that project.

The pic on the right:....I think I dated her in College. The evening is a bit hazy but I remember she was a good kisser.:wiggle:

she's got a great tan huh? tightest butthole around. :blue: