why is it ok to take heavy doses of testosterone?


New member
This question has been bothering me and since I had no idea it was preventing me from considering a lot of good advice. My main concern is recovery and something told me it would be bad to take more than a natural high level of test and it is... but not like the way i thought. I thought high levels of test put strain on the hypothalamus but it doesn't. Estrogen and dht do.

Good thing i found this out before taking a high dose since i dont have an aromatase inhibitor.

It is now possible in my mind to take large doses with the possibly of full recovery as long as Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and estrogen blocker is used.

Im even starting to believe that an estrogen blocker should be taken indefinitely.
Uhhhh, so are you posting a question and answering yourself simultaneously?

Large amounts of anything is never good. Moderation is the key. All cycles should be kept to a specific length and within a certain dosage range to minimize any possible problems. People don't READ the basics before starting their first cycles, and can screw up their bodies.

Knowledge is power, amigo.
Also, you run the risk of staying shut down permenently regardless of what's taken. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) doesn't make your chances of recovery greater.
Shutdown is shut down. Are you telling me with 50mg of Exo test you'll continue to produce natural test? Whether 50 or 1000mg you natural test ceases to produce.
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Some drugs may take longer to recover from, but it doesn't mean your only partly shut down. What degrees are there of being shut down?
go make two clones of yourself, give one a shot of 50mg test and 1g of test and see which one takes longer to recover
also, @ op: just because you're taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) doesn't mean you're not going to get shutdown lol
So what does that study have to do with recovery? Anyone can google a study in a couple min. It's dependent. That study was also written in 1990. Can you find a study that says if you take x amount of test you'll recover faster than y amount? That article said nothing about recovering, just the effect on lh and fsh upon administration.
Obviously i'm not a doctor or a scientist, but i've found that any reasonable dose of test, not BB doses, is just about the same in terms of recovery time, assuming you're running only test. For me, anything under a gram is about the same, but i would venture to guess that most people would recover about the same whether they were running 750mg ew or 350mg ew.

Once you start getting into different compounds, the whole game changes. I dont think many people would argue that it is going to be way easier to recover from 500mg ew of tren/test than 500mg ew of just test...ESPECIALLY for certain people.

Again, this is just what i've personally experienced, or what friends that i trust have experienced, obviously i dont have any medical data to back it up, just sharing my .02
so basically using a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose vs a cycle dose if you ever come off its the same for recovery? Its hard to believe. Furthermore its hard to understand why being on a blast and cruise for say 1 year using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and a PCT would be harder to recover from than a cycle of 3 months. Strange.
Furthermore its hard to understand why being on a blast and cruise for say 1 year using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and a PCT would be harder to recover from than a cycle of 3 months. Strange.

No it's easy to understand. The very basic reason is your shut down longer if your on for 52 weeks vs. 12 weeks.
Obviously i'm not a doctor or a scientist, but i've found that any reasonable dose of test, not BB doses, is just about the same in terms of recovery time, assuming you're running only test. For me, anything under a gram is about the same, but i would venture to guess that most people would recover about the same whether they were running 750mg ew or 350mg ew.

Once you start getting into different compounds, the whole game changes. I dont think many people would argue that it is going to be way easier to recover from 500mg ew of tren/test than 500mg ew of just test...ESPECIALLY for certain people.

Again, this is just what i've personally experienced, or what friends that i trust have experienced, obviously i dont have any medical data to back it up, just sharing my .02

My experience has been the same, although I have been on for 9 years and therefore have not "recovered" although I can say that my libido and the ease of reaching orgasm are enhanced when I use HCG.

I no longer use trenbolone but when I did it had a much greater effect on my recovery than any dose of test I used (which was up to and exceeding 1000 mgs. per week). This is based again on libido and ease of orgasm, I didn't get blood work back then.