will i cut weight without losing muscle while juicing


New member
First off i have five 1/2 weeks till spring break, i have ran a ten week cycle thus far and have four weeks left, ive done dianabal (50mg a day) for six weeks, test ethnate (starting at 400mg a first weeks and up it to 700mg for last seven) through out and Tren for these last 7. and im running 700mg of test enthanate a week and doing 100mg of tren-x every otherday for the next four weeks. ill post cycle therapy (pct) with about three weeks of novadex (or should i go four?)
age: 23
weight: 240
bf%: low 9s
height: 6'2
i dont want to lose muscle (and would actually like to gain 5 more pounds) but i need to sheed another 5-8 pounds of fat. i never lift over 45 minutes, and i go hardcore for the whole time im there. i superset back/chest, legs the next day, then take off wednesday, superset bi/tris on thursday, and hit shoulders friday, with the weekend to rest. also im not currently drinking alcohol.im eating 3,300 calories on the days i lift with 350gs of protien, 250 carbs, and 75gs of fat... the only think that might make sense is to up carbs and lower fats? on days i dont train i eat 2,900 calories, 340 protien, 215 carbs and 60gs of fat....
i have been losing fat but am i going to sacrifice muscle. i like having nearly 19inch arms and 50 inch chest. appreciate imput. should i eat less? I dont know a ton about dieting and am better at bulking... i max 400 bench, 550 dl and squat 525 and want to maintain those :) plz help.Thanks... also will nicotine hurt fat loss... i dont usually smoke but am in college and i need something to get buzzed off, so im not moody, so i can hook up at the bar. ill drop if its a problem though
because of spring break, im not a competative body builder, i play a D1 sport and other than that i just want to look good
If you're that concerned about losing bf for spring break, I highly doubt your bodyfat is currently at 9%. Just an observation, don't take it personally...
HeHateMe said:
If you're that concerned about losing bf for spring break, I highly doubt your bodyfat is currently at 9%. Just an observation, don't take it personally...

I saw that too!
i just got it calibrated at any rate it is pretty nice in some places in the winter, such as cancun... hence, once again my premise: spring break. i was looking for advice not dumbass comments
dm18aq said:
i just got it calibrated at any rate it is pretty nice in some places in the winter, such as cancun... hence, once again my premise: spring break. i was looking for advice not dumbass comments
In my personal experience I've done better on weight loss with short ester gear. I've only done it for a short while but the results are very noticible.
Somethings not computing. Your 240lbs @ 9% but your asking if you will lose muscle while on steroids? It sounds like a complete newb question. Again, asking how to run your post cycle therapy (pct) when your already taking 1.5grams of gear a week doesn't make sense. You should have done more research prior to starting.

Anyways, to answer your question, yes you can cut on with or without steroids and still maintain your muscle mass. You have to adjust your diet accordingly and incorporate cardio obviously.
im running 1.1 grams of gear a week check your math. obviously im sowhat of a newb because im asking advice... which is what i was looking for from this thread, i dont take any of this personally just looking for advice from people who have been around the block...
I guess the reason people are having trouble with this thread is your stats are very impressive and yet your knowledge isn't.....in answer to your question it is very hard to gain muscle but reduce bf%...infact it's almost impossible without an extremly strict diet which you admit your knowledge is lacking...I'd spend some time in the diet section for some top notch advice.
240 at 9%...and going to cancun. Dude, if you can't get laid with stats like that, i doubt changing the diet is help as it's probably the "game factor."
haha thanks guys... im not worried about getting laid. ive got a pretty impressive tally at this point and i know ill do well. i think im the right track but im not sure how much post cycle therapy (pct) to run because ive never really done this how of gear and i worried. i dont know a ton about juice, but my stats were pretty good as a natty. i was benching 275 at 16, and was 345 before i took me game up a couple notches. i guess ill start doing cardio on my off days from lifting. but still need advice about post cycle therapy (pct).... is 10mg or 20mg what ill need for three weeks or should i go four? or just 10mg a day?
40/40/20/20...and continue at 20 until you are back up to snuff
outlawtas2 said:
Somethings not computing. Your 240lbs @ 9% but your asking if you will lose muscle while on steroids? It sounds like a complete newb question. Again, asking how to run your post cycle therapy (pct) when your already taking 1.5grams of gear a week doesn't make sense. You should have done more research prior to starting.

Anyways, to answer your question, yes you can cut on with or without steroids and still maintain your muscle mass. You have to adjust your diet accordingly and incorporate cardio obviously.

I agree. If you lose muscle while on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) your an aids patient.
It sounds as if you rushed into your cycle without even thinking about your PCT. Always do research before using. Yes, your looking for advice but its advice you should have asked before starting a cycle.
good luck.
wow fatrock ur right because im not at a major school and my source doesn't live within walking distance from my pad and im sure he doesnt hav any post cycle therapy (pct) on him. keep ur broken down mentality to yourself