will this get me looking better, clen/ cyto

Advice is a dime a dozen . . Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one!

I gave you advice and chose to leave it. Are you looking for someone to tell you that the Clen and Cytomel stack is the best thing since sliced bread cause it ain't gonna happen.

Everything is going to work differently and you may see some decent resukts or you may see jack shit only your body knows for sure. What's holding you back? Sides? Money?
nothing is holding me back DaLinkWent i'm about to start it no matter what I might leave out the cytomel after reading alittle but I just wanted to know if two weeks on two weekss off is the best way to do it or just take it for like 6 weeks straight like the last time i did it and was also wondering if i could do like one of those effedra free products like hydroxycut during the 2 weeks off instead of ECA with out any issues,,
i would only use thyroid if i needed to lose that last couple before a show. Personally i think clen is overated, and have seen some studies showing it is not great on the heart, don't know where to find them though, and studies don't always mean much. Personally if i was not running gear i would just run some thermorexin, and take r-ala with meals at the recommended dosage. You should not have a problem losing some bodyfat that way. And please don't give stonecold a hard time, this board is one of the best for info, people just don't like the board cluttered with reduntant posts.
jcp2 said:
i would only use thyroid if i needed to lose that last couple before a show. Personally i think clen is overated, and have seen some studies showing it is not great on the heart, don't know where to find them though, and studies don't always mean much. Personally if i was not running gear i would just run some thermorexin, and take r-ala with meals at the recommended dosage. You should not have a problem losing some bodyfat that way. And please don't give stonecold a hard time, this board is one of the best for info, people just don't like the board cluttered with reduntant posts.

Hey Mate

If you come across the studies of clen being hard of the heart send em my way. All I know is that I had some nasty palpitations from clen and I've heard mention of the possible heart scarring effects

Ditto on the board being CHALKED with info. I'm still blown away when you search for something you get a MINIMUM of two pages worth of threads to read through