Winni/Anavar good second cycle?


New member
Did Deca 300mg/wk 12 weeks for my first cycle. I've maintained almost all my gains.

Pros and cons of stacking anavar?
for your 1st cycle, it was Deca only? Not to be rude bro, but I take it you didnt do much research before you started, because nobody, including myself would give advice to someone to take Deca for a 1st cycle. Have you heard of Testosterone?
stats & training history?
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Stack it and get harder and more vascular depending on the dose and diet. would be wise to switch from Deca to EQ for youre next cycle as your body will obviously respond to a new compound better than one recently used.

gator_mclusky said:
Stack it and get harder and more vascular depending on the dose and diet. would be wise to switch from Deca to EQ for youre next cycle as your body will obviously respond to a new compound better than one recently used.


I disagree. EVERYONES 1st cycle should be Test only. This guy did Deca only. So in my eyes, he hasnt done a 1st cycle. My advice is that he does a Test only cycle. Leave the rest for later cycles. You dont just jump straight into calculus without knowing how to add or subtract.
Yea I realized that a deca only cycle wasnt the best idea after the fact. I got bad advice, but Im fully recovered now and like I said, I maintained nearly all my gains.

As for test, Im very hesitant to take it because of side effects. Im only 20, so Im not looking to already start losing my hair, just something mild.
If you don't want to lose your hair...ditch the Winstrol (winny). Winstrol (winny) and tren = no hair.

No way in hell would I stack Winstrol (winny) and var. No need to run two 17AA compounds at the same time.

Why not run an injectable if you must cycle?

At 20, you are better suited to spending more time at the dinner table than messing with steroids anyway.
Onswoll said:
I disagree. EVERYONES 1st cycle should be Test only. This guy did Deca only. So in my eyes, he hasnt done a 1st cycle. My advice is that he does a Test only cycle. Leave the rest for later cycles. You dont just jump straight into calculus without knowing how to add or subtract.

? he for sure has done his first cycle, and many people may advise him to do deca first, just not THIS particular board.
He started by mentioning that he did one compound, which is what most people would advise from here, just to see how it reacts with their body.

He also mentioned that he kept most of his gains, which is also great. Instead of telling him he made a fuckin mistake, why dont you tell him what he could do next? Maybe a 10 weeker of Test 500mg/ml once he recooperates.

Gator even advised EQ, Something different.

His initial question wasn't "did i fuck up?" If he kept his gains, and learned some stuff good. It doesn't mean he didnt research or wasn't educated.
Swellin said:
If you don't want to lose your hair...ditch the Winstrol (winny). Winstrol (winny) and tren = no hair.

No way in hell would I stack Winstrol (winny) and var. No need to run two 17AA compounds at the same time.

Why not run an injectable if you must cycle?

At 20, you are better suited to spending more time at the dinner table than messing with steroids anyway.

So anavar would be a bad stack? As for hair loss with Winstrol (winny), how severe is it? Worse than deca?
Absolutely. For most folks, Winstrol (winny) and tren are the two worst steroids out there for hair loss.

A long time ago, a guy was talking about var and called it a designed Winstrol (winny) that is much weaker but won't hurt you. lol
That's pretty damn close. I've also heard it called the perfect drug....for my wife.
Test only for a first cycle is highly arguable. He'll blow up, his natural hormone axis will shut down hard, he'll end up losing half his gainsin weight, a shitload of strength and may become depressed, lose his motivation and lack of drive in the gym.

Different strokes for different folks but around here first cycles that are very popular are EQ only cycles.10 weeks @ only 200-300 mgs EW. Slow, keepable gains without all the water retention.

My first cycle was Sostenon @ 250 mgs EW and Winstrol V @ 50mgs EOD for 8 wks and gained 18 solid lbs. If one has done their research then they know for the most part how their body will react to a compound.

If one is predispositioned for hairloss then almost any steroid will speed up the process.

17AA are in classes and Winstrol and Anavar are the lighter ones. I stacked Winstrol @ 100 mgs EOD for and 50 mgs Dbol for 8 wks and my bloodwork came back just fine. Liver enzymes were perfectly fine.

Everyones different though.

Well I ran the deca for 12weeks and never noticed any hair loss.. What could I expect from the Winstrol (winny) based on that?
detsaw said:
Well I ran the deca for 12weeks and never noticed any hair loss.. What could I expect from the Winstrol (winny) based on that?

Deca at moderate doses is probably one of the safest, if not the safest when it comes to the ole' hairline. I ran 450mg/wk several years ago and noticed no increase in hair loss whatsoever.

Winny is a different story. I've heard horror stories when it comes to hair loss associated with the use of winstrol. What can you expect? If your prone to MPB, you can expect hair loss.
gator_mclusky said:
Test only for a first cycle is highly arguable. He'll blow up, his natural hormone axis will shut down hard, he'll end up losing half his gainsin weight, a shitload of strength and may become depressed, lose his motivation and lack of drive in the gym.

Different strokes for different folks but around here first cycles that are very popular are EQ only cycles.10 weeks @ only 200-300 mgs EW. Slow, keepable gains without all the water retention.

My first cycle was Sostenon @ 250 mgs EW and Winstrol V @ 50mgs EOD for 8 wks and gained 18 solid lbs. If one has done their research then they know for the most part how their body will react to a compound.

If one is predispositioned for hairloss then almost any steroid will speed up the process.

17AA are in classes and Winstrol and Anavar are the lighter ones. I stacked Winstrol @ 100 mgs EOD for and 50 mgs Dbol for 8 wks and my bloodwork came back just fine. Liver enzymes were perfectly fine.

Everyones different though.


Deca will shut you down harder and faster than test. At least if he runs test he will be replacing his natty test with a higher amount of synthetic. With deca only you will eventually be left little or no test in your system and thats certainly more of a formula for depression/lack of sex drive than the previous. Why would one want to do that? If its a vanity issue such as water retention then whats the diff? test and deca will bloat you equally.
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estray said:
Deca will shut you down harder and faster than test. At least if he runs test he will be replacing his natty test with a higher amount of synthetic. With deca only you will eventually be left little or no test in your system and thats certainly more of a formula for depression/lack of sex drive than the previous. Why would one want to do that? If its a vanity issue such as water retention then whats the diff? test and deca will bloat you equally.
I appreciate your input but when one is shut down....theyre shut down regardless of the compound. Deca stays in the system longer than any other compound and it MAY shut someone down a bit longer but I recommended EQ and with proper Post Cycle Therapy on any compound one will recover at about the same rate.
I've run Deca in MANY cycles and many without. In every case with proper post cycle therapy my Test levels were back to normal shortly after cesssetation of the therapy. I get bloodwork every 4 months at a minimum.

Onswoll said:
for your 1st cycle, it was Deca only? Not to be rude bro, but I take it you didnt do much research before you started, because nobody, including myself would give advice to someone to take Deca for a 1st cycle. Have you heard of Testosterone?
stats & training history?

I see you have been attending OUTLAWS weekend steroid workshops.
Don't even think of stacking wniny with var,IMO go with the var and stack it with some low dose test depending on goals or another injectable. Winstrol (winny) with var, even Winstrol (winny) just by itself will hammer you HDL/LDL ratios not to mention they are bith 17aa compounds and would effect liver values.
For years and years the #1 recommended first cycle was deca/dbol or deca only. It's only more recently that test for a first cycle has been recommended more often. To answer your question, no, I wouldn't stack 2 orals, even though one is considered more "mild" (anavar).
Onswoll said:
for your 1st cycle, it was Deca only? Not to be rude bro, but I take it you didnt do much research before you started, because nobody, including myself would give advice to someone to take Deca for a 1st cycle. Have you heard of Testosterone?
stats & training history?

Onswoll you are possibly the most hypocritical person I've ever met!!

Onswoll said:
i am 8 weeks on a T4 and Deca300 cycle and i am going to go a full 10 weeks. i was curious if there was any strong steroid that i can take just after i get off the T4 and deca? should i completly stop taking things, or can i take 5 weeks of Winstrol (winny), or something like that. thanks for your help.
carolinacrackah said:
I see you have been attending OUTLAWS weekend steroid workshops.

haha I've noticed that too....when I first joined this forum I wasn't in favour of test for a first cycle, I then understood it's benifits and backed test for a 1st cycle but now with all the extra knowledge I've moved away again....wonder where I will stand in another 3months.