Winstrol Inj Pain ?'s Mod help appreciated


New member
Hello All

Trying to prove/disporve something here...

Winstrol in the inj form...This would not cause pain upon inj right? The reason being that it is suspended essentially in water and not in an alcohol base, correct?

Any one ever have painful injects, as one might get from QV eth, etc? By painful I mean a burning/stinging inject.

I am trying to settle a dispute here, thanks.

I couldn't imagine the pain of an alcohol base.. Yikes....

I have experienced some pain from waterbased Winstrol (winny), nothing like qv250, goddam.
What is odd is this....I am just finishing up a 12 weeker of QV enanth 250..and Qv first vial up the enanth I had painfull 2nd vial I didnt have a sore injection at all...and my Winstrol (winny) injections were a lot more sore then my Test injections...thats why I have been drinking the shit for the last week 1/ I guess take that for what its worth....
i dont get a stinging sensation from the QV enth. I'm on it right now. I just get a total soreness for 3 days in the muscle.
I'm no MOD, but I hope you accept my answer anyway :rolleyes:

INJ Winstrol (winny) seems to effect users differently, some guys experiance no pain at all while others get sent to their knees.

My experiance:

1- Varies by lot number
2- Varies by mfgr
3- Varies by muscle injected to (some worst then others)

Generally, water based Winstrol (winny) hurts like hell to me, and I have done (high and normal MG) Cyp, Enth, Susp, Prop, Deca, Fina with no trouble at all.

The best explanation I have ever heard as to why it may hurt (don't know if it's true, just sounds resonable):

Is that as the water clears the muscle your left with sharp particles which iritate the muscle.

If you find that Winstrol (winny) bothers you........just drink it.
Its not that find it irritating to inj, but...

There is a fellow at my club who swears it is fake because he is not getting a painful inj from the stuff he has...I am trying to put him at ease about it....

I agree with Gunz. Reports differ between individuals - personally I don't have a problem with it.
Well seeing that we are on the Winstrol (winny) pain thread here I have something to ask.

I am on my 5th shot tomorrow hitting QV 50mg EOD, the first one on the right glut hurt the day after pretty good, the pain went away by day 2 with just a little soreness. I hit my left glut and the next 2 days really hurt like hell, back to the right glut with both Winstrol (winny) and EQ and the next day, just a little bit sore no big deal. I hit the left glut again last night and I woke up this morning, and again it feels like a horse kicked me in the ass.

Has anyone heard of one glut beeing bothered more then the other when hitting the Winstrol (winny)? This is truly bothering me and I don't want it to effect my training. I'm worried about putting it into other spots because I don't want to miss training days. I know it's not good to jab EOD in the same glut but what can I do. I am almost ready to throw the damm bottle away.

P.S. It doesnt really hurt going in the sting they say that you get has never effected me, but the after effect is less desirable. I heard that the GTP Winstrol doesn't really hurt anytime because it is not Vet gear.
indica .. .

I have the same problem with my QV enat.. I can hit it my glute or quad and everything is fine.. its sore..but I dont et sick .. If I put it in my shoulders... I get REALLY sick.. 102 temp for at least 2 days... crazy .. I dont understand it at all.. .I Wish someone could shed some light on this subject..cause it just it plain weird.. meanwhile I can put Sustanon (sust) in my shoulders with no problems ??
Ya I have had no issues with any other gear that I have used with the exception of this QV Winstrol (winny). Maybe someone will have an answer.
Not to mention, if Im in my chair for some time at the office and I try to walk it hurts like hell untill I get going for a while. I also notice that I used the recumbant bike for cardio at the gym last night and that left glut felt great after. Thinking that it is effecting the muscle in some way.
I have also taken the QV Winstrol (winny) and got that same fever for about a day when I go in my right glut. I have not gotten sick on it in any other place. Just the right glut. I guess I am going to have to stick it out till the end of the cycle and just see how it goes in different areas.
If I understand your question, your asking when you are actually injecting it does it hurt.

I never used winstrol before but from my expirence with Suspension you would not get an pain during the injection , just afterwards. Maybe it's just me but I dont know of any gear that actually hurts while your injecting it. The only pain I got when I was actually injection gear was when I was to close to a nerve.
I get the pain the day after or about 10 hours after the jab. The more people I talk to the more that say this is the same thing that happens to them. The odd thing is on the right glut I only get a little sore. That left one is a bitch though. Like you I will just have to stick it out (pun pun) only a few more weeks left.
Will Winstrol (winny) shoot through a slin pin? Being waterbased it seems like it would. Ive never tried it so I thought I would ask.

You can't shoot Winstrol (winny) even through a 26 G never mind a slin pin.

Mixing oils and water ..i have asked that before and several veterans have said problem with mixing?

Redline1 : This time i do have some soreness
pretty much like a test prop inj. but not bad.

The difference(1): is maybe i hit the muscle better the first time, that's when i had no pain at all. This time (with pain) I may have got some of the Winstrol (winny) got into the fat?
(2): i used QV deca/QVwinny this time and the last time was Dragon/QVwinny
(3): the first time i loaded the Winstrol (winny) first then the the oil and the Winstrol (winny) went into a bubble in the middle of the syringe. The second time the Winstrol (winny) was at the top and was first to come out and make contact with the muscle.?

i think #3 we will test in the future and i suspect this is the problem. I will make sure next time that the Winstrol (winny) bolus is floating in the oil in the syringe.?