Winstrol Problems!


Height- 5-8

I have a relatively small frame, so 167 is a lot for me and its taken me 24 years to get where I'm at. I've been lifting religiously since I was 15. I did a cycle of deca and sustanon (fairly low doses) last year (1st time since I did a cycle of Test Cyp. at 17) and put on a solid 10 pounds to my frame. I've been stuck on 155-6 for years.

Regarding this cycle, I wanted to do a cycle of Anavar and kick start it with a few weeks of Winstrol before beginning the Anavar. I was planning on running Winstrol 100mg EOD for these 1st couple of weeks. I have Test on hand and may run later if needed.

Problem: Took my first shot in the right glute 2 days ago and OH MY LORD is my glute sore. I almost can't sit and my glute is slightly swolen. I know Winstrol shots can be painful, but damn this is ridiculous. I can't really run without biting a bullet. My girlfriend brushed up against my ass yesterday and I wanted to cry. I also developed flu like syptoms all day yesterday and last night, but do feel slightly better today. Question: Is 100mg EOD day too much for someone with my body frame? Seriously, I'm looking at that next shot (which should be today) like its another torture session.

Has anyone else experienced these flu like symptoms when starting Winstrol, and will they go away as my body adjusts to Winstrol? Or should I trash the Winstrol (the Anavar is the real focus in this cycle; 30-40 mg ED).

Thanks in advance for any input.
Hang in there bro. Your body probably isn't used to pinning and also the Winstrol (winny). Cut the shot with some b12 or sterile oil. Don't worry bout the water based Winstrol (winny) & oil. It should help the pain nicely and your body will begin to adjust and won't recognize it as such a foreign substance soon enough. I went through some seriously painfully shots and did this. A heating pad will also help a lot.

No pain no gain right??
Thanks. I actually think it might be a hematoma forming at the injection site. My glute has a slight swolen lump that's turning mildly red and is very sensitive to the touch. I'm downing lots of Advil and praying that it goes away on its own within a day or two. If not, off to the doctor.

I'll shoot the next shot in my quad and post an update.
Make sure your gear is clean.
I always pin the quads, and have def. had some painful injections with Winstrol (winny). Some took up to 5 days for the swelling and soreness to subside. I recommend Ibuprofen and applying heat to the affected area, this always helped me out when I was experiencing such effects. Good luck.
is the gear UG?

flu like symptoms occur with test for me.. test flu

HOWEVER if you have pain in the area.. you might have an infection or just sensitive to BAlchol.. if the area hurts really bad.. is red.. etc.. apply heat.

If for some reason it is an infection you do not want to work out the area due to it may cause it to spread.

HOWEVER.. probably just arent used to injecting.. cut it with b12 or something
come to think of it after reading your post again.. not an infection.

inject slower next time. try your shoulder or quad. after you inject do shoulders or ride the bike. this will help spread the oil and it wont hurt as much the next day.
Height- 5-8

I have a relatively small frame, so 167 is a lot for me and its taken me 24 years to get where I'm at. I've been lifting religiously since I was 15. I did a cycle of deca and sustanon (fairly low doses) last year (1st time since I did a cycle of Test Cyp. at 17) and put on a solid 10 pounds to my frame. I've been stuck on 155-6 for years.

Regarding this cycle, I wanted to do a cycle of Anavar and kick start it with a few weeks of Winstrol before beginning the Anavar. I was planning on running Winstrol 100mg EOD for these 1st couple of weeks. I have Test on hand and may run later if needed.

Problem: Took my first shot in the right glute 2 days ago and OH MY LORD is my glute sore. I almost can't sit and my glute is slightly swolen. I know Winstrol shots can be painful, but damn this is ridiculous. I can't really run without biting a bullet. My girlfriend brushed up against my ass yesterday and I wanted to cry. I also developed flu like syptoms all day yesterday and last night, but do feel slightly better today. Question: Is 100mg EOD day too much for someone with my body frame? Seriously, I'm looking at that next shot (which should be today) like its another torture session.

Has anyone else experienced these flu like symptoms when starting Winstrol, and will they go away as my body adjusts to Winstrol? Or should I trash the Winstrol (the Anavar is the real focus in this cycle; 30-40 mg ED).

Thanks in advance for any input.

What kind of gear are you using? I've used Winni many times and only once had a similar problem with Advanced Stealth gear. Horrible pain and bruising at injection site. It got so bad I just drank it. Will never order from them again. It might be your gear. Never had any issues with Zambon or Winstrol V by Upjohn (they don't exist anymore) and most recently GP Winstrol (super smoothe).
actually - same thing ahppened to me with test once - I just hit the wrong place - couldnt walk for 3 days - same lump/bruise but no infection. it wasn't the stuff because it worked fine before and after. Ive taken 50 shots and had it happen once. man, did it suck - i think its a numbers thing. every once in awhile, it happens. what a bruise, though - freaking purple as hell - couldnt even sleep.
I decided to lower the dose and pinned 50mg in my left quad (very slow) on Tuesday night. By Wednesday afternoon, I could barely walk with my right glute sore as hell and my left quad getting sorer my the minute. I was able to work out bicepts and back yesterday, but today is legs, shoulders, and cardio. The soreness wasn't nearly as bad in the left quad with the lower dose, but still worse than anything else pinning test or deca. My glute is getting better and I'm no longer concerned that it's a hematoma, but I definitely can't go anything higher than 50mg per pin. I drank my dose today and think I may alternate drinking and pinning to allow the sore spots to recover.

Thanks for all the input. Question, how do you go about cutting this stuff with B-12 oil? Do you just draw a certain amount with the Winstrol in one pin and insert in one dose?
Yup. I had the same flu-like symtoms when I started a couple of weeks ago. Went away the next day. No problem.

As for the soreness, just continue your ibuprofen and heating pad regimen.

I've had no problem with RWR stanozolol regarding the soreness. Really good stuff. It's australian. Taking mine 50mg eod, no soreness whatsoever. If you have access to the stuff, I highly recommend it.
I decided to lower the dose and pinned 50mg in my left quad (very slow) on Tuesday night. By Wednesday afternoon, I could barely walk with my right glute sore as hell and my left quad getting sorer my the minute. I was able to work out bicepts and back yesterday, but today is legs, shoulders, and cardio. The soreness wasn't nearly as bad in the left quad with the lower dose, but still worse than anything else pinning test or deca. My glute is getting better and I'm no longer concerned that it's a hematoma, but I definitely can't go anything higher than 50mg per pin. I drank my dose today and think I may alternate drinking and pinning to allow the sore spots to recover.

Thanks for all the input. Question, how do you go about cutting this stuff with B-12 oil? Do you just draw a certain amount with the Winstrol in one pin and insert in one dose?

Dude! If you get bruising and a lot of pain every time you inject - stop injecting! Winstrol is not supposed to be THAT painful! Just drink it! Don't risk getting an infection!
Hang in there bro. Your body probably isn't used to pinning and also the Winstrol (winny). Cut the shot with some b12 or sterile oil. Don't worry bout the water based Winstrol (winny) & oil. It should help the pain nicely and your body will begin to adjust and won't recognize it as such a foreign substance soon enough. I went through some seriously painfully shots and did this. A heating pad will also help a lot.

No pain no gain right??

Why mix water based winni with oil...?

Doesnt make sense...

Just get some B12...50/50 mix it with the winni.

B12 is water based...
Dude! If you get bruising and a lot of pain every time you inject - stop injecting! Winstrol is not supposed to be THAT painful! Just drink it! Don't risk getting an infection!

I agree if mixing it with b12 doesnt work just drink it. May taste like shit..just chase it with some OJ.
I was totally unaware you could drink winny...or this normal or recamended..?

You don't drink Test but you can drink winni. Normally if you're going to take it orally you should get tabs. If you have injectable, you want to inject it. But if your gear is crap, you can always drink it. I speak from personal experience. Got some really thick winni injectable that was impossible to inj. Huge bruising, major pain for days! So I ended up drinking it and it still worked. Probably not nearly as well as better gear would have worked but at least it wasn't a total loss.
drinking injectable winni or any other injectable will not do anything-it has to be a 17aa steroid or it will not work orally.
Do not fucking drink Test!

Liquid winni or anavar can be injected or drank...

There are some types of oral Test out there....sublingual or troche they are designed so they absorb directly into the blood stream when put under the tongue.
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