Winstrol Zambon

The vials should always be a milky white, like the pic below. In Spain, if you have a prescription or a friend who works in a pharmacy, a 3 vial pack should only cost 6,35 euros!!!! I bought 21 vials and 1000mgs of Test Depo for 150 euros. Nice price :)
Oh, and injecting Winstrol (winny) only hurts if your a pussy!:D
bro they are most definately fake people dont give a fuck about u in the real life its not their gear so why would they give a shit face it listen to the peple here its for ur own good these people know whats up!
I do not have a pic of mine, but they say WINSTROL DEPOT in all caps. It has no little trademark after winstrol. Lote: R031 Cad.:07/2006
Anyone ever seen these?
You got the old amps, atleast 1.5-2 yrs old.

Check out my thread for the absolute latest amps and box.

They are real

Those amps are real....i know several top competitors very well and all have stated to me that there is no doubt in their mind that they are real.
Just to confirm : They were legit ... I used them for 2 month, and I have a quality, vascularisation, density, and a mass that I had never had before ...

I was to 13 % bf => 9 % bf ( with no diet ) and + 5 Kg ...

So, nobody can know if products are good or not. Test them, but don't tell they are fakes when you don't know ...

byp0 said:
Show few pics ! We wanna see ! :)
Nice placebo effect :)

No no ...

I have them tested in a laboratory few days after beginning my cycle ... All is OK ...

No placebo effects ...
You had them lab tested, and had 4 competitors tell you they are why did you post pics again. From the pics I would say they don't look good myself. If you want an accurate response then next time mix a couple of them up, and let all the powder settle to the bottom on some others. The way they were posted they look like they went through a long shiping process or something.
haha look at kapaowows juice dude then look at yours, your shits twisted, but come back in a month and tell us how your shit gears workin for you.
First post here, Nice board. On those winnys, i have used Zambons for years, and i have never seen one look so under filled with crystals after separation as those. After all i have used, if i received those i would be afraid to use them. I have heard stories of oven cleaner and furniture polish being used in fakes.