500 TT doesn't tell us what "free T" is Available??
He may or may not feel like shit at this level...
TT is a small part of the equation and I'm not sure why everyone fixates on the "If I had X level I'd never be on TRT..."
Looking at the TT alone doesn't take into account other variables that are indicative of needing testosterone replacement. You may find the following interesting:
Mohit Khera, MD "I diagnose TD based on two criteria: low serum total or free T and signs or symptoms of TD. However, I must stress that in my practice, symptoms are the key driver for TTh rather than any specific value for blood test results...
I offer T therapy to symptomatic men with calculated free T less than 6.5 ng/dL (65 pg/mL or 232 pmol/L)."
Michael Zitzmann, MD, PhD "Free T levels below 250 pmol/L (86 pg/mL) are highly suggestive of TD."
Abraham Morgentaler, MD "I find free T more useful than total T as a diagnostic test; however, it is critical to note that reference values provided by laboratories are not clinically based and of little value. Free T concen- trations less than 100 pg/mL or RIA concentra- tions less than 1.5 ng/dL are consistent with TD. Although I use a total T value of less than 350 ng/dL (12 nmol/L) as indicative of TD, if the free T value is low, I consider the total T concentration irrelevant."