wow...gyno sucks

Brock Landers

New member
as some of you may know, I noticed a small lump under my right nipple about a week ago. There was also a noticeable soreness and tenderness (just the right nipple, there was no lump/soreness on the left)...Anyhow since then I have been on nolvadex for 40 mg/day and the soreness is now gone. The lump remains though, I can still feel it to the side of my right nipple, under the skin. It is nothing noticeable on the surface (yet). I am going to remain to run the nolva at 40 mg/day (I may even bump it up to 60mg/day for the next week) and I have stopped my cycle a week in advance...Any suggestions would be welcomed...thanks bros
What were you running?
When did you first notice the gyno?
Where you running any anti-e's during the cycle?
Hope all works well for you BL! Was nowhere to turn 15 yrs. ago.............well nowhere but the plastic surgeon.
I think you are on the right track with your plan, after another week at 40 or 60 mg, I would continue to run it at 20 mg/day for.......I dunno....another 4-6 weeks.
Brock Landers said:
I was running test/deca/dbol...noticed symptons during the middle of week 7 (by which time no longer running the dbol).

What were the doses...just curious...

house1 said:
how many cycles have you done brock?

no problems with the others?

This is my second cycle gyno problems with my first cycle which was Test 500mg Deca 200 mg and dbol 25mg (weeks 1-4) I'm guessing it was the increased dosage/length of dbol with the test that might have done it...
bro, sorry to tell you this, but the lump dosen't go away unless you get it removed by surgery. I have the lump on both sides from the cycles I did the first 2 years of lifting. It gets sore when iam on, but gets better when arimadex kicks in. I did not have the knowlege I have now back then when I started juice. Becarful with orals and androgens, such as anadrol, dball. Always have nolvadex ready, I prefer arimadex, works a lot better.
Brock: it might not ever go away completely, but aggressive nolvadex therapy should shrink it (assuming it's not from the deca). I ran into something similar; six months later, I'm good as new.
