X-mas cycle, please help.


New member
I am 21, have no cycle experience (except for Winstrol (winny) 50 mg ed for 6 weeks), 6'1", 280 lbs, propably would be 230 solid. I have 6 years heavy training.

I'm looking for some quality muscle gains that are retainable, then afterwards I'm going to try to cut up. However, I have several problems. I'm planning on starting up right after christmas. About 9 weeks into the cycle I'll be seeing my girlfriend who I cant let know I'm on. She would kill me. So, I dont want to be really bloated. Thats why I was thinking prop and have nolva on hand for gyno or bloat. Also, I cant have my balls being raisins for when I see her, so i was also thinking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). And then also I'd have eq b/c ive heard some nice things about it.

So heres the plan
Week 1-11 EQ apox 115mg EOD
Week 1-12 Test prop 125mg EOD
Week 7,8 HCG 3000ius every 5 days

clomid/nolva post cycle
and maybe more hcg?

How does this look? Will I be able to hide this from my girlfriend? I will only be seeing her on that 9th week, and will not see her for the part of the cycle before that or after that. How are the doses? Since it is my first cycle, am I going to run into problems with EOD injections? Any help you can give me would be great. Thanks.
Why 115 mg' of EQ? From the products I know it comes in 50mg's 100 mg's and 200 mg's.Seems a lttle weird to me anyways!! And why every other day?? Is it beacause you want to dilute the t-prop??
If so why not hit 100mg eod with the prop?? Or maybe 150. Hows your diet and training?????
Well that would be a nice cycle bro. But I wouldn't inject EQ EOD. Besides you sticking yourself EOD for 12 weeks, why don't you do something like this. But if you don't mind EOD shots for 12 weeks then go ahead with the prop, if not try some enanth.

Test Enanth@ 500mg/wk 1-10
Eq@400mg/wk 1-10
MiniMike said:
I am 21, have no cycle experience (except for Winstrol (winny) 50 mg ed for 6 weeks), 6'1", 280 lbs, propably would be 230 solid. I have 6 years heavy training.

I'm looking for some quality muscle gains that are retainable, then afterwards I'm going to try to cut up. However, I have several problems. I'm planning on starting up right after christmas. About 9 weeks into the cycle I'll be seeing my girlfriend who I cant let know I'm on. She would kill me. So, I dont want to be really bloated. Thats why I was thinking prop and have nolva on hand for gyno or bloat. Also, I cant have my balls being raisins for when I see her, so i was also thinking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). And then also I'd have eq b/c ive heard some nice things about it.

So heres the plan
Week 1-11 EQ apox 115mg EOD
Week 1-12 Test prop 125mg EOD
Week 7,8 HCG 3000ius every 5 days

clomid/nolva post cycle
and maybe more hcg?

How does this look? Will I be able to hide this from my girlfriend? I will only be seeing her on that 9th week, and will not see her for the part of the cycle before that or after that. How are the doses? Since it is my first cycle, am I going to run into problems with EOD injections? Any help you can give me would be great. Thanks.

do 150mg prop eod for 12 weeks and do 400mg eq per week fro 10 weeks. dont shoot that eod you dont need to. i dont like the way you r planning to do the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). 3000iu shots are ALOT and that WILL bloat you. instead, do 500-750iu eod for 3 weeks, weeks 11, 12, 13. 3 weeks of clomid after that. i very highly recommend u include arimidex throughout the cycle. it will minimize bloat and thus you will retain more of your gains post cycle because estrogen levels wont be out of control post cycle. this results to a faster recovery of natural test levels. start with 0.5mg eod and you can increase that dose to 1mg eod when you begin the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). trust me this is a better cycle. by the way generic arimidex is pretty cheap. try to find the generic brand if you cannot afford the original. hope this helps.
There are a couple flaws in your logic.

1- you can still have problems with water retention/bloat on prop, remember once the ester is removed you have Test, the same as in enanthate or cypionate.
2- Nolvadex will not control water retention/bloat. You need an anti-aromatase for that.

Seeing as this is really your first cycle, I would suggest you do a Test only cycle, either Test enanthate or cypionate @ 500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks.
Bro if your worried about your girl knowing wait until after you see her or educate her so you don't have to hide it.

I just realized you're 21 wait 3-4 more years or go to a Dr to see if your growth plates are closed.
