Year long Test E Cycle am I crazy?


New member
Hey guys,

Just wondering if taking Test E for an entire year is ridiculous or is there some merit to it.

I will be looking at doing 600mg/week for the duration. Or better to take a higher dosage like 900mg/week and just stick to 20 weeks or so.

I have friends who are on something all year round and just wondering if this is something I should consider.

Age 28
Height 182cm
Weight 95kgs

3 cycles under my belt.

Always used Test Prop or Sus, thinking this could be something to try. I have taken Tren A, Test P, Sus 250, Dbol, Winny, Boldenone, HGH.

Thanks for your help.
Chances are, if you do that it wont be a year, it will be a lifetime of TRT. Restarting your system after being shut down for that long will be very hard if not impossible.
Ridiculous and unhealthy. I did a 20weeker once.. Never again. Recovering from that was horrible. You won't be recovering at all after 52weeks.. If you want to stay on year round, do your blast then drop to a cruise dose and give your body a break... But if you b&c your probably on for life
you sound like the average joe steroid user... don't do it... I fcked my body up hard in my early 20s doing that... stick to a cycle or two a year and make sure you recover with good PCT and get blood work done at least twice a year
Everybody before me has already hammered home the point I was going to make, but yeah, BAD idea especially still only being 28. Don't paint yourself into a corner where you "have" to be on for the rest of your life.
Not smart at all. Way to eager to get swol. Your body will shut down forever and the pct will nearly be as long as cycle! Why push for so much?