Yes another newbie doing an Oral Only Cycle of Var


New member
This is a repost of a Winstrol (winny) Oral Cycle that I thought about but changed my mind to Anavar (var) given the negative response I got. I will probably get ripped for this proposed cycle too but here it goes and yes I am aware that you all think Anavar (var) only is for girls.

I am a 24 year old former college athlete who has been seriously training for the past 7 years. I have used OTC supplements in the past (Such as NO Xplode, Cell Mass, Monster Milk, etc) with mild success.

I am currently 5'11 185lbs with a BF of around 7-10% (depending on who you go to). I have a "cut" look but have never been able to get as cut as I'd like to (I used Animal Cuts in the past and experienced mild success). I have also experienced plateau's in strength gains over the past year or so. I have mixed up my workouts several times, I currently am working out 5 days a week, one major body area a day, with cardio 3-4 times a week for about 20min a day.

I have never taken any AAS or other PH's but am considering it to add a couple extra pounds of Lean Muscle Mass (3-5lbs), increase my strength, trim off a little BF and also to get the cut & ripped look I've been striving for but keep falling just short of. My diet is solid that is balanced between Protein and Carbs and low in fat using lower fat alternatives such as ground turkey and alternatives to gluten.

Proposed Ana Anavar (var) Cycle:

30-40 mg Ana Anavar (var) 6 week cycle (30 mg weeks 1 & 6, 40mg weeks 2-5)
Flaxseed Oil Supplement
Multi-Vitamin Supplement
AI Cycle Support
Nolvadex (4 weeks post cycle, 20mg ED)

I figure this is a safe enough starter cycle to see how body reacts to it. It could provide the results I want or it could be a complete waste of time and money. I am spending the next month and a half getting my training regime and proper nutritional diet down before I start on the cycle. You guys will probably rip this proposed cycle but there it is, figure its worth a shot to see how it works.
I have heard from tons of people on usage of aas and everyone of them say they haven't heard of anyone keeping an appreciable amount of results who has done an oral only cycle. Why bother? If you want to get cut follow john berardi's "get shredded' diet to the T and you will accomplish just that. Goodluck
well... oral only = not the path to be starting down... but if ur dead-set on it how about being a man about it...

30-40mg's of Anavar (var) is USELESS, WORTHLESS... run 70-80mg's for 6-7 weeks with none of the Anavar (var) ying dosage bullshit u mentioned above... then do a proper 4 week post cycle therapy (pct) starting a week after your cycle is finished consisting of clomid 50mg per day along with nolvadex at 30mg per day... post cycle therapy (pct) is a MUST

ORAL ONLY CYCLES are NOT DOING it RIGHT bro... think it over, consider doing a test only cycle at 500-750mg per for 12-15 weeks as a first run... or if u are still gonna run the "panzi ass Anavar (var) " at least add test prop at 100mg eod for 8 weeks along with that shit
So.... You know this is idiotic and noobie yet you still present it for us? Why?? I don't understand you people sometimes... There is a STICKY on the very topic! Why, why, why do you guys constantly look past the obvious and tickle the balls of stupidity..
You want to gain between 3-5 lbs of LBM. Seriously, is it worth shutting yourself down over a couple of pounds? Once you start playing the shut down game there is never a guarantee of where those natural levels will come back at. it is a safe bet to say that they will get lower with each progressive run though.

Why 3-5 lbs? Anavar (var) is not as bad as most make it out to be. Much like primo, I suspect most that hate Anavar (var) never really had good well dosed ana Anavar (var) .

Ana Anavar (var) will make you strong! it rivals D-bol for strength gains without the bloat. It has an ability to recomp the body without even trying very hard. It will make you vascular and the gains obtained from it tend to be easily kept. The reason people think you keep it is because all you get are LBM gains, there is no water to lose etc.

I don't like it as a stand alone but Anavar (var) included within the frame work of a good cycle makes a good cycle a great one IMO . Now that i've said all that I do not think you should run it at all on a first run. Look at test only if you want to do your first cycle the right way.
Pinphobia prevails in oral only minded individuals..

Had a gf who did not want to get PINNED either, only oral.. in High School ..until we just did it...then we opinned all the time.

1 st time hurt s the wortse son.Lil sore and some blood...but well worth it.
Pinphobia prevails in oral only minded individuals..

Had a gf who did not want to get PINNED either, only oral.. in High School ..until we just did it...then we opinned all the time.

1 st time hurt s the wortse son.Lil sore and some blood...but well worth it.

lol im lovin the double entendre