Yet ANOTHER GH Question......


New member
Ok, when I'm contemplating on taking a new substance I research the hell out of it!! However, the easiest questions never seemed to get answered, making me feel like a dumb shit :D !!
If I were to order some Jintropin, say 6 months worth, from an Asian country, does the GH need to be refridgerated at all unless reconstituted? I mean, If I had say 50 10iu vials of Jintropin could I store them at room temperature over 6 months time and only refridgerate a new 10 iu vial when the BAC water is added? Will this harm the GH at all? Thanks
YES refridgirate immediatly.....if it comes warm then is crap....make sure it comes cold, GH is living RDNA, the only one that does not need to be fridged is Upjohn, Mini Quicks...
badassbill said:
YES refridgirate immediatly.....if it comes warm then is crap....make sure it comes cold, GH is living RDNA, the only one that does not need to be fridged is Upjohn, Mini Quicks...

Actually, GH is a polypeptide hormone made of a string of amino acids linked together. It's MADE by rDNA technology using bacteria. But it does need to be fridged, before and after reconstitution, (most of them); Serostim's one that doesn't, i believe.
i did it w/ saizen and it went to crap...i got no gians from it, The same was post on the be same keep in fridge...
....ive been on for 1 & 1/2 yrs straight and have tried everything...i know when i works and when it doesnt....and i know from exp. that when i didnt fridge, it was crap...not trying to butt heads...just my .02
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Ok, so you guys are saying that when the Jintropin arrives on ice packs to IMMEDIATELY put all of the vials in the 'fridge whether reconstituted or not?
bigtest69 said:
Ok, so you guys are saying that when the Jintropin arrives on ice packs to IMMEDIATELY put all of the vials in the 'fridge whether reconstituted or not?

I really doubt it is going to arrive on ice packs, but just put them all in the fridge and you'll be fine.
id say so....but others might not....Id rather be safe than sorry...its unstable...and when you mix it, do not pour the water on top of it in the vial, let it go down the side of the vial....(put the need le in at an agnle and shoot for the side slowly)...